
Journal articles

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Thorin E., Lehnert S., In-vitro response of human and porcine vascular cells exposed to high dose rate g irradiation, International Journal of Radiation Biology, Vol. 76, No. 7, pp. 999-1007, 2000

Tardif J.C., Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Lespérance J., Grégoire J., Paiement P. Bonan R., Reliability of Mechanical and Multi-element Designs for Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) in non-Stented and Stented Coronary Arteries: Animal and Clinical Studies, International Journal of Cardiac Imaging, Vol. 16, pp. 365-375, 2000

Mongrain R., Kandarpa K. Garon A., Bertrand et Bertrand M., Catheter design and study of mixing processes using numerical simulations, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 64-71, 1999

Bertrand OF, Lehnert S., Mongrain R., Bourrassa MG, Early and late effects of radiation therapy for restenosis prevention: A critical appraisal, Heart, Vol 82, No 6, pp. 658-662, 1999

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R, Thorin E, Lehnert S., Effects of low dose-rate b irradiation on smooth muscle cells : comparison with high dose rate exposure., J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., Vol 33, No 2, Supp 1, pp. 55A , 1999

Bertrand, O.F., Mongrain R., Thorin E., Lehnert S., Effects of low dose-rate b irradiation on smooth muscle cells, comparison with high dose rate exposure, Cardiovasc. Radiat. Med, Vol 1, Issue 2, pp. 125-130, 1999

Bertrand OF, Sipehia R, Mongrain R, Rodés J, Tardif JC, Bilodeau L., Côté G, Bourassa M.G. Biocompatibility aspects of new stent technology. J Am Coll Cardiol, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 562-571, 1998

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R, Soualmi L, Rodés J, Tardif JC, Crépeau J, Bonan R. Development of coronary aneurysm after cutting balloon angioplasty: Assessment by intracoronary ultrasound. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn, Vol. 44, pp. 449-452, 1998

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R, Thorin E, Lehnert S. Bourassa M.G., Radiation response of human and porcine vascular cells exposed to high dose rate g irradiation, European Heart Journal, Vol. 19, No 4, pp. 622, 1998

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R, Merrkin D., Bonan, R., Radiation therapy for the prevention of restenosis, Journal of Interventional Cardiology, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1998

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R, Thorin E, Chow D, Lehnert S., Radiosensitivity of human coronary smooth muscle cells exposed to high dose rate g irradiation. J Am Coll Cardiol, Vol 31, No 2, pp. 277A-278A, 1998

Bertand OF, Mongrain R, Tardif JC, Bourassa M.G., Utilisation des radiations ionisantes pour la réduction de la resténose en cardiologie interventionnelle, Revue Médicale de Liëge, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 419-424, 1998

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Lehnert S., Bilodeau L, Tanguay J.F, Laurier J. Côté G., Bourassa M., Intravascular radiation therapy in atherosclerotic disease: promises and premises, European Heart Journal, Vol. 18, pp. 1385-1395, 1997

Tardif J.C., Rodrigues A., Hardy J.F., Leclerc Y., Petitclerc R., Mongrain R., Mercier L.A., Simultaneous determination of the aortic valve area by the Gorlin formula and by transesophageal echocardiography under different transvalvular flow conditions: Evidence that the anatomic valve area does not change with variations in flow in aortic stenosis, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol 29, pp. 1296-1302, 1997

Imbert B., Meunier J. and Mongrain R., Stenosis assessment from contrast medium tracking in cineangiography, SPIE Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering, Medical Imaging, Vol. 3034, pp 631-640, 1997

Lahbib S., Bertrand M., Mongrain R., Endovascular Elastography: the Forward Problem, Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 18, No 1, pp 67-68, 1996

Maurice R.L., Bertrand M. and Mongrain R., Speckle model in lagrangian coordinates for studying non-linear tissue deformations in ultrasonography, Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 18, No 1, pp. 62-63, 1996

Mongrain R., Bertrand M., Garon A. et Toroussian V., Simulation of angiographic sequences for the evaluation of image processing algorithms, ITBM Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine/Innovation and Technology in Biology and Medecine, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 351-373, 1994

Mongrain R., Bertrand M., Meunier J., Camarero R., Bourassa M., Hemodynamic parameters estimation from cineangiograms using optical flow, SPIE Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering, Medical Imaging, Vol. 1652, pp. 464-476, 1992

Articles in refereed journals

Julien S., Garon A., Mongrain R., Bertrand O.F., A numerical model for drug delivery in stent design, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Biomechanics, 2001

Bertrand OF, Brunette J., Leung TK, Mongrain R., Lehnert S., Histo-morphologic aspects of restenosis after balloon angioplasty in human coronary arteries: Relevance for radiation therapy, Radiology and Oncology, Journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Feb. 2001

Fourgeault P. Mongrain R., Garon A., A 2D numerical model for the prediction of hemolysis in flowing blood, Trans, of the ASME, J. of Biomech.(March 2000)

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Yuen P.S., Lehnert S., Dosimetric considerations to study in vitro the eggects of low energy b emitters on vascular cells, Cardiovasc. Rad. Med. 2000

Articles/chapters in books and monographs

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R., Meerkin D., Bonan R., Chapter on Radiation therapy for the prevention and treatment of restenosis, pp. 779-786, in Tenth Complex Coronary Angioplasty Course Book, edited by Marco J., Fajadet J., Europa Edition, 1999

Bertrand O.F., Meerkin D., Mongrain R., Bonan R., Vascular Brachytherapy, Chapter 18 in Practical Handbook of Advanced International Cardiology, edited by Nguygen T.N., Saito S., Hu D., Dave V., Grines C.L., Futura Publishing Company, 1999


Invention: Radioactive Biodegradable Local Delivery System Provisional Patent filed in the United States, Wednesday April 17, 1996 by Goudreau Gage Dubuc & Martineau Walker, ref # 60 / 015 788, PCT Patent, International Bureau Geneva, Switzerland: PCT/CA97/00262 ''Radioactivity Local Delivery System'' Applied on April 17, 1997 by Goudreau Gage Dubuc & Martineau Walker

Invention: Axial Flow Pump with Minimal Hub Volume for Heart Assistance Provisional Patent by Goudreau Gage Dubuc & Martineau Walker ref # 2206644


Dec 2000 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Fluid Mechanics Seminar Series, Mechanical Design and Hemodynamics of Cardiovascular Devices, invited by Pr Ross Ethier

April 2000 International Worshop, Endocoronary Biomechanics and Restenosis, Institut Méditerranéen de Technologie de Marseille, France, invited by Pr. Regis Rieu

July 2000 Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Mechanical Design and Hemodynamics of Cardiovascular Devices, invited by Pr Suart Price

Aug 2000 Research center, Quebec Heart and Lung Insitute, Research in cardiovascular technologies, invited by Dr O. Bertrand

May 1998 Institut de Cardiologie, Interventional Cardiology Live Course, Workshop on Radiation Biology and Radiation Safety invited by Dr. L. Bilodeau

May 1998 Medical Physics, McGill University, Physics aspects of a radioactive polymer coated stent, invited by Pr. E. Podgorsak

Jan. 1998 Medtronic Minneapolis USA, Promeon, Polymer coating properties of a radioactive stent, invited by Dr. Eric Berg, scientific director

Apr. 1996 Atomic Energy of Canada, Chalk River, Radiobiologic studies of vascular cells exposed to low b energy radiation, invited by Dr. P. Yuen

Dec. 1996 Medtronic Kerkrade, The Netherlands, The development of a radioactive for the prevention of restenosis, invited by Harmut Loos, Worldwide vice president of stent technologies

Jan. 1993 Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Estimating hydrodynamics parameters from radiographic image sequences, Grand Round Conference at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, invited by Pr. Krishna Kandarpa.

Oct. 1989 Scole Polytechnique de Montréal, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Seminar on the use of the symbolic software MACSYMA, invited by Pr. Michel Bertrand

Oct. 1987 Université de Montréal, Department of Mathematics, Seminar on blood flow dynamics in prosthetic heart valves, invited by professors Dana Schlomiuk et Jacques Bélair

Conference presentations/papers Fourgeault P., Garon A., Kempenaars M., Mongrain R., Computation of hyperbolic equations for hemolysis rate using finite differences, CFD2K 8th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Montreal, 2000

Julien S., Garon A. Bertrand OF, Mongrain R., FEM algorithm for the time-dependent integral diffusion transport for local delivery with stents, CFD2K 8th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Montreal, 2000

Julien S., Garon A.., Mongrain R., Bertrand O.F., Transient simulation for local delivery in stent design, The 11th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Maui, USA, April 2-5, 2000

Julien S., Garon A.., Mongrain R., Bertrand O.F., Transient simulation for local drug delivery in stent design, International Worshop on Endocoronary Biomechanics and Restenosis, Marseille, France, April 6, 2000

Brunette J., Mongrain R., Durand L.G., Bertrand O.F., Laurier J., Tardif J.C., Development of a realistic three layer phantom for intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging, 21st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Atlanta, USA, Oct 13-19, 1999

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R., Thorin E., Lehnert S., Effects of low dose-rate b irradiation on smooth muscle cells: comparison with high dose rate exposure. 48th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, New Orleans, March 7-10, 1999

Bertrand O.F., Brunette J., Mongrain R., Leung T.K., Lehnert S., Histomorphometry of human coronary restenosis: Relevance for radiation therapy, 21st Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-10,1999

Corns R., De Blois F., Mongrain R., Julien S., Garon A., Bertrand O.F., Influence of isotope release on the dosimetry of a novel radioactive stent concept, 45th Annual Scientific Meeting COMP/CCPM, Sherbrooke, June 16-19, 1999

Bertrand O.F., Corns R., De Blois F., Mongrain R., Julien S., Garon A., Bourassa M.G., Influence of isotope release on the dosimetry of a novel radioactive stent concept, 21st Congress of the European Society of Cardiology, Spain, September 5-10, 1999

Tranulis C., Savéry D., Mongrain R., Cloutier G., Durand LG, Modélisation du flux sanguin dans une artère en présence de deux sténoses, XVIIIe Congrès de l'AEGFSFM (Association des Studiants au Grades Supérieurs de la Faculté de Médecine, Montréal, 1999

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Radiation therapy for the prevention of restenosis, Interventional Cardiology Live Course Manual, Montreal Heart Institute, 1999

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Thorin E. and Lehnert S., Radiation response of hman and porcine vascular cells exposed of high dose rate g irradiation, Montreal Heart Research Symposium, June 1998

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Thorin E., Lehnert S. Bourassa M.G., Radiation response of human and porcine vascular cells exposed to high dose rate g irradiation, XXth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology Meeting, Vienna, Austria, August 22-26, 1998

Mongrain R., Bertrand O.F., Thorin E. and Lehnert S., A tissue culture model to study the effects of low energy b emitters on vascular cells, Montreal Heart Research Symposium, June 1998

Mongrain R., Bertrand OF, Thorin E., Lehnert S., A tissue culture model to study the effects of low energy b emitters on vascular cells: Dosimetric considerations. Proceedings Advances in Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy II, Washington, March 8-10, 1998

Lobo M.C., Bertrand M., Sousa Pereira A., Cyr M., Soualmi L., Mongrain R. and Tardif J.C., Cardiac tissue characterization from echocardiograms, 10th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition RECPAD 98, Lisbon, Portugal, March 27-28, 1998

Brunette J., Tardif J.C., Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Laurier J., Bertrand M., Computer assisted detection of vascular layers from IVUS, Montreal Heart Research Symposium, June 1998

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R., Thorin E., Lehnert S., Radiation response of human and porcine vascular cells exposed to high dose-rate g irradiation. Proceedings Advances in Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy II., Washington, March 8-10, 1998

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Radiation therapy for the prevention of restenosis, Interventional Cardiology Live Course Manual, pp. 62-65, Montreal Heart Institute, 1998

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Thorin E., Lehnert S. and Bourassa M.G., Radiation therapy of restenosis using low energy b emitters: In-vitro evaluation of a new isotope, XXth Congress of the European society of Cardiology, Vienna, Austria, August 22-26, 1998

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R., Thorin E., Chow D., Lehnert S., Radiosensitivity of human coronary smooth muscle cells exposed to high dose rate g irradiation. 47th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, Atlanta, USA , March 29 - April 1, 1998

Lobo C., Bertrand M., Pereira A.S., Cyr M., Soualmi L., Mongrain R. and Tardif J.C., Assessing regional contractility from echocardiograms using optical flow, 22nd International symposium on ultrasonic imaging and tissue characterization, Washington, USA, June, 1997

Soualmi L., Bertrand M., Mongrain R., and Tardif J.-C., Forward and inverse problems in endovascular elastrography, 23rd International Symposium of Acoustical Imaging, Boston, USA, April 13-17, 1997

Imbert B., Meunier J., Mongrain R., Hudon G., Bertrand M., Haemodynamic and geometric parameter assessment in cineangiography of arteries, WCMPBE, Nice, France, 1997

Lobo M.C., Bertrand M., Pereira A.S., Cyr M., Soualmi L., Mongrain R., Tardif J.C., Myocardium contractility characterization from echocardiograms using optical flow, Computer Assisted Radiology, CAR Berlin, Germany, 1997

Lahbib S., Bertrand M., Mongrain R., Endovascular Elastography the Forward Problem, 21st International Synposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, Washington, USA, June, 3-5, 1996

Maurice R.L., Bertrand M. and Mongrain R., Speckle model in lagrangian coordinates for studying non-linear tissue deformations in ultrasonography, 21st International Symposium on Ultrasonic Imaging and Tissue Characterization, Washington, USA, June, 3-5, 1996

Maurice R.L., Bertrand M. and Mongrain R., Speckle model in lagrangian coordinates for studying non-linear tissue deformations in ultrasonography, International Symposium on Tissue Characterization, Washington, USA, 1996

Imbert B., Meunier J., Bertrand M., Mongrain R., Hudon G., Stenosis assesment from contrast medium tracking in cineangiography, Computer Assisted Radiology, CAR 96, Paris, France, June 26-29, 1996

Meunier J., Imbert B., Mongrain R., Hudon G. and Bertrand M., Stenosis assessment from contrast medium tracking in cinangiography, Computer Assisted Radiology, CAR 96, Paris, France, June 26-29, 1996

Imbert B., Meunier J., Mongrain R., Hudon G. and Bertrand M., Optical flow assessment of parabolic velocity profile in cineangiography: a simulation study, 17th Annual Conference & 21st Canadian Medicine and Biology Engineering Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montreal, September 20-23, 1995

Soualmi L., Bertrand M., Mongrain R., Tardif J.-C. and Laurier J., Three-Dimensional reconstruction of the arterial wall from intravascular sonograms, 17th Annual Conference & 21st Canadian Medicine and Biology Engineering Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Montreal, September 2-23, 1995

Imbert B., Meunier J., Mongrain R., Lespérance J., Estimation de l'écoulement moyen sur la ligne centrale d'une sténose par flot optique contriant, 63e Congrès de l'ACFAS Association Canadienne Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Montréal, pp 207, 1994

Mongrain R. et Kandarpa K., Study of flow perturbations and mixing process during catheterization using numerical simulation, AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine, (Peter Neurath Young Investigator Symposium), Boston, April 1993

Meunier J., Bertrand M., Mongrain R., Maurice R., Sehoub Z., Bourassa M.G., Lespérance J., Estimation de la dynamique cardiaque par analyse de cinéangiogrammes, 61e Congrès de l'ACFAS Association Canadienne Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Montreal, Quebec, 1992

Mongrain R., Bertrand M., Mailloux G., Meunier J. et Bourassa M., Physical constraints and optical flow: application to coronarography. CMBEC 90 Digest of the 16th Canadian Medical and Biomedical Engineering Conferences, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1990

Mongrain R., Bertrand M., Meunier J., Bourassa M.G. et Camarero R., Obtaining blood velocity profile from coronary arteriograms via optimally controlled optical flow. IEEE Computer Society Proceedings of Computers in Cardiology, pp. 13-17 1990

Mongrain R., Bertrand M. et Mailloux G., Estimation of coronary hemodynamic parameters using optical flow. CAR 89' Computer Assisted Radiology, Berlin, Germany, 1989

Mongrain R.A., Bertrand M. et Mailloux G.E., Determination of velocity profile in coronary arteries using densitometric analysis. CMBEC 88 Digest of the 14th Canadian Medical and Biomedical Engineering Conferences, Montreal, Quebec, 1988

Mongrain R., Bertrand M., Mailloux G., et Lespérance J., Proposition d'une méthode pour déterminer les profils de vitesse à l'intérieur de coronaires à partir de cinéangiogrammes. 57e Congrès de l'ACFAS 88 Association Canadienne Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Moncton, New Brunswick, 1988

Mongrain R.A., Gautrin H.F. et Bertrand M., Minimization of the shearing stress for ball prosthetic valves: a look on the ball's geometry. CMBEC 87 Digest of the 13th Canadian Medical and Biomedical Engineering Conferences, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1987

Mongrain R., Gautrin H.F. et Bertrand M., Optimisation du cisaillement pour les prothèses valvaires à billes: Géométrie comme facteur de thrombogénèse. 56e Congrès de l'ACFAS 87 Association Canadienne Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario, 1987

Conference proceedings

Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Corns R., Garon A., Dosimetric aspects of a 45Ca-DTPA Eluting Stent, Proceedings Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy V, Washington, 2001

Corns R., De Blois F., Mongrain R., Julien S., Garon A., Bertrand OF, Influence of time dependent isotope release on dosimetry of a novel radioactive stent concept, Proceedings Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy IV, Washington, 2000

Bertrand OF, Mongrain R., Thorin E., Lehnert S., Effects of low dose rate b irradiation on vascular smooth muscle cells: comparison with high dose rate exposure, Proceedings Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy III, Washington 1999, #49 p.65

Maquet V., Gautier S., Voccia S., Mongrain R., Bertrand O.F., Jerôme R., Electropolymerization onto metallic cardiovascular stents, Proceedings of the 19th Annual CBS Canadian Biomaterials Society Conference, Quebec, Canada, p.21, 1999

Bertrand OF, Brunette J., Leung TK, Mongrain R., Lehnert S., Histo-morphologic aspects of human coronary restenosis. Relevance for radiation therapy, Proceedings Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy III, Washington 1999, #50 p. 66

Corns R., De Blois F., Mongrain R., Julien S., Garon A., Bertrand OF, Influence of isotope release on dosimetry of a novel radioactive stent concept, Proceedings Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy III, Washington 1999, #51 p. 67

Brunette J., Bertrand O.F., Mongrain R., Bertrand M., Tardif J.C., Intravascular ultrasound imaging (IVUS) : Development of a new phantom reproducing the three layer vessel appearance, Proceedings of CMBES Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, London, Ontario, p. 85, 1999

Lobo C., Bertrand M., Sousa M., Pereira A., Cyr M., Soualmi L., Mongrain R., Tardif J.C., Myocardium contractility characterization from echocardiograms using optical flow, Proceedings of Computers in Cardiology, Vol. 24, pp. 231-234, Lund, Sweden, 1997

Meunier J., Imbert B., Mongrain R., Hudon G. and Bertrand M., Blood flow assessment from optical flow in cineangiography, Proceedings of Computers in Cardiology, Vienna, Austria, Vol. 22, pp 537-540, 1995

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