Journal articles
S. Rinaldi, S. Prabhakar, S. Vengallatore, and M. P. Paidoussis (2010), "Dynamics of microscale pipes containing internal flow: damping, frequency shift, and stability," Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 329, pp.1081-1088
S. Prabhakar, M. P. Paidoussis, and S. Vengallatore (2009), "Analysis of frequency shifts due to thermoelastic coupling in flexural-mode micromechanical and nanomechanical resonators," Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 323, pp. 385-396
S. Ibasco, F. Tamimi, R. Meszaros, D. Le Nihouannen, S. Vengallatore, E. Harvey, and J. E. Barralet (2009), "Magnesium-sputtered titanium for the formation of bioactive coatings," Acta Biomaterialia, vol. 5, pp. 2338-2347.
M. Kuhn, T. Napporn, M. Meunier, S. Vengallatore and D. Therriault, (2009), "Miniaturization limits for single-chamber micro-solid oxide fuel cells with coplanar electrodes," Journal of Power Sources, vol. 194, pp. 941-949.
P. Hubert, B. Ashrafi, K. Adhikari, J. Meredith, S. Vengallatore, J. Guan, and B. Simard (2009), "Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotube-reinforced epoxy: Correlation between viscosity and elastic modulus," Composites Science and Technology, vol. 69, pp. 2274-2280.
S. Prabhakar and S. Vengallatore (2009), "Thermoelastic damping in hollow and slotted microresonators," IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 18, pp. 725-735
M. Kuhn, T. Napporn, M. Meunier, S. Vengallatore, and D. Therriault (2008), "Direct-write microfabrication of single-chamber micro solid-oxide fuel cells," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 18, 015005
M. Kuhn, T. Napporn, M. Meunier, D. Therriault, and S. Vengallatore (2008), "Fabrication and testing of coplanar single-chamber micro solid-oxide fuel cells with geometrically complex electrodes," Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 177, pp.148-153
S. Prabhakar and S. Vengallatore (2008), "Thermoelastic damping in micromechanical beam resonators with two-dimensional heat conduction," IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 17, pp. 494-502
G. Sosale, S. A. Hacking, and S. Vengallatore (2008), "Topography analysis of grit-blasted and grit-blasted-acid-etched titanium implant surfaces using multi-scale measurements and multi-parameter analysis," Journal of Materials Research, vol. 10 (in press)
Sairam Prabhakar and S. Vengallatore (2007), "Thermoelastic damping in bilayered micromechanical beam resonators," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 17, pp. 532-538
B. Ashrafi, P. Hubert, and S. Vengallatore (2006), "Carbon nanotube-reinforced composites as structural materials for microactuators in microelectromechanical systems," Nanotechnology, Vol. 17, pp. 4895 - 4903
D.-J. Shim, H.-W. Sun, Srikar Vengallatore, and S.M. Spearing (2006), “Damage and Failure in Silicon-Glass-Metal Microfluidic Joints for High-Pressure MEMS Devices,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 15, pp. 246-258
C. J. Kuo, K. Y. Lam, Srikar Vengallatore and Y. Peles (2006), “Self-Assembly on Internal Surfaces of Partially-Sealed Microchannels,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 16, pp. 1667 – 1673.
Srikar Vengallatore (2005) “Analysis of Thermoelastic Damping in Laminated Composite Micromechanical Beam Resonators,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 15, pp. 2398 – 2404.
Srikar Vengallatore (2005) “Gorsky Damping in Nanomechanical Structures,” Scripta Materialia, vol. 52, pp. 1265 – 1268.
Y. Peles, V. T. Srikar, T. S. Harrison, C. Protz, A. Mracek, and S. M. Spearing (2004), “Fluidic Packaging of Microengine and Microrocket Devices for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Operation,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 13, pp. 31 – 40
Srikar Vengallatore, Y. Peles, L. Arana, and S. M. Spearing (2004), “Self-Assembly of Micro- and Nanoparticles on Internal Micromachined Silicon Surfaces,” Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 113, pp. 124 – 131.
C. D. Baertsch, K. F. Jensen, J. L. Hertz, H. L. Tuller, Srikar Vengallatore, S. M. Spearing, and M. A. Schmidt (2004), “Fabrication and Structural Characterization of Self-Supporting Electrolyte Membranes for a Micro Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell,” Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 19, pp. 2604 - 2615
V.T. Srikar, K.T. Turner, T.Y.A. Ie, and S.M. Spearing (2004), “Structural Design Considerations for Microscale Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells,” Journal of Power Sources, vol. 125, 62–69
V.T. Srikar and S.M. Spearing (2003), “A Critical Review of Microscale Mechanical Testing Methods Used in the Design of Microelectromechanical Systems,” Special Issue of Experimental Mechanics, vol. 43, 238 – 247
V. T. Srikar and S. M. Spearing (2003), “Materials Selection for Microfabricated Electrostatic Actuators,” Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 102, pp. 279 – 285
V.T. Srikar and S.M. Spearing (2003), “Materials Selection in Micromechanical Design: An Application of the Ashby Approach,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 12, 3 – 10
V. T. Srikar, A. K. Swan, M. S. Unlu, B. B. Goldberg, and S. M. Spearing (2003), “Micro-Raman Measurement of Bending Stresses in Micromachined Silicon Flexures,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 12, pp. 779 – 787
V.T. Srikar and S.D. Senturia (2002), “The Reliability of Microelectromechanical Systems in Shock Environments,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 11, 206 – 214
V. T. Srikar and S. D. Senturia (2002), “Thermoelastic Damping in Fine-Grained Polysilicon Flexural Beam Resonators” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 11, pp. 499 – 504
V. T. Srikar and C. V. Thompson (2000), “Dislocation Pile-Ups as Sites for Formation of Electromigration-Induced Transgranular Slit-Like Voids in Al Interconnects,” Scritpa Materialia, vol. 42, pp. 97 – 102
V.T. Srikar and C.V. Thompson (1999), “Diffusion and Electromigration of Copper in SiO2-Passivated Single-Crystal Aluminum Interconnects,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 74, 37 – 39
V.K. Andleigh, V.T. Srikar, Y-J. Park and C.V. Thompson (1999), “Mechanism Maps for Electromigration-Induced Failure of Metal and Alloy Interconnects,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 86, 6737 – 6745
V.T. Srikar and C.V. Thompson (1998), “The Effect of Al3Ti Capping Layers on Electromigration in Single-Crystal Aluminum Interconnects,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 72, 2677 – 2679
"Internal Friction in Thin Metallic Films," Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (2009)
"Structural Damping in Micromechanical Resonators: Mechanisms, Models, and Design Implications," Fifth International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures, and Systems, Bangalore, India (2008)
"Structural Damping in Nanomechanical Resonators," Second International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensors, Montreal (2007)
“Materials Challenges for High Power-Density MEMS,” Gordon Research Conference on Solid-State Studies in Ceramics, Tilton, New Hampshire, U.S.A. (2005)
"Stress-Induced Phenomena in Micro- and Nanoscale Structures," American Vacuum Society, New England Chapter, Burlington, MA, USA (2003).
"Materials Selection in MEMS Design," Department of Mechanical and Aeronautics Engineering, Princeton University, USA (2003)
"Microscale Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells," National Research Council Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2003)
"Microscale Stress Measurement Techniques," Photonics Center, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA (2003)
"Reliability of Microsystems," Summer Course on Thin-Film and Small Volume Structures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA (2001)