Waseda University

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Location 🌎

Language of instruction 💬

Eligible faculty 🎓

Tokyo, Japan Japanese
Some schools offer classes in English:
Political Science and Economics, Advanced Science and Engineering,
Fundamental Science and Engineering, Creative Science and Engineering
Open to all Faculties


Waseda University, a top institution of higher education based in central Tokyo, has about 50,000 students in 13 undergraduate and 21 postgraduate schools.It was founded on three principles: independence of scholarship, practical application of scholarship and fostering of good citizenship.

Tokyo has global influence rivaling that of New York, London and Paris. As the most populous city in the world, it serves as a gateway to Asia, and is a place where you can experience all the cutting-edge international trends. Tokyo is guaranteed to stimulate your intellectual curiosity!

Important information

Term dates 

Semester 1

Semester 2

September - February March - August

*Semester and exam dates may vary from year to year. Please consult the Host institution's fact sheet, the Host institution's website, or the Host institution directly to confirm.

Contact information

Waseda University
Center for International Education(CIE)
Waseda Global Gate
1st Floor, Bldg.# 22, 1-7-14 Nishi Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, 169-0051 Tokyo
Email: ex-in-cie [at] list.waseda.jp
Phone: +81-3-3203-9079



The information on this page is drawn from either the institution's fact sheet or their website as linked above.

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