Updated: Fri, 10/11/2024 - 12:00

Campus/building access, classes and work will return to usual conditions, as of Saturday, Oct. 12. See Campus Public Safety website for details.

Accès au campus et aux immeubles, cours et modalités de travail : retour à la normale à compter du samedi 12 octobre. Complément d’information : Direction de la protection et de la prévention.

General Prizes and Awards

Note: these prizes and awards often need Department and/or Institutional support.  Please check with the Department Chair.

Organization Name Description Link Due date
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Sloan Research Fellowship

The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise.

Sloan Research Fellowship September 15
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation The Guggenheim Fellowship

Often characterized as "midcareer" awards, Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. Fellowships are awarded through two annual competitions: one open to citizens and permanent residents of the United States and Canada, and the other open to citizens and permanent residents of Latin America and the Caribbean. Candidates must apply to the Guggenheim Foundation in order to be considered in either of these competition.

Guggenheim Fellowship September 16
Royal Society of Canada Fellowship (FRSC) Fellows shall be persons whose intellectual achievements have been exceptional through a body of publications, intellectual endeavors or creative activities exhibiting original contributions in the arts, humanities or sciences, as well as in public life. RSC Fellowship December 1
NSERC Steacie Fellowship The Fellowships are awarded to enhance the career development of outstanding and highly promising university faculty who are earning a strong international reputation for original research. Steacie Fellowship June 7
  John Polanyi Award Created to recognize and support a university researcher or team of researchers whose work has led to a recent outstanding Canadian advance in a field of the natural sciences or engineering. John Polanyi Award April 1
National Research Council (NRC). Steacie Prize The Steacie Prize is therefore awarded to a younger person 40 years of age or less who has made notable contributions to research in Canada. Steacie Prize June 30
Canada Council for the Arts. Killam Research Fellowship Designed to recognize and support distinguished Canadian scholars, normally full professors at Canadian universities and research institutes, who have established an outstanding reputation in their area of research. Killam Research Fellowship  
  Killam Prize Awarded annually to distinguished Canadian scholars in the fields of health sciences, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities.  Killam Prize  
Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) Prix Urgel-Archambault

Cet prix est décerné à une chercheuse ou à un chercheur pour souligner l'excellence et le rayonnement de ses travaux et de ses actions dans le domaine des sciences physiques, des mathématiques, de l’informatique ou du génie.

Prix Urgel-Archambault February
Gouvernement du Québec Prix du Québec Les Prix du Québec représentent la plus haute distinction décernée par le gouvernement du Québec dans les domaines de la culture et de la science. Ils soulignent l’œuvre ou la carrière remarquable de personnes qui contribuent à l’essor de leur domaine d’activité, repoussent les limites de la connaissance et participent au rayonnement du Québec à l’échelle internationale. Prix du Quebec March 14

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