Iyer collabore avec la Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) à Chennai, en Inde, depuis 2006. Cette collaboration a également mené à une vaste étude comparative de plusieurs domaines et de facteurs familiaux auprès de personnes recevant des services d'intervention précoce pour un premier épisode de psychose dans un contexte de revenus moyens faibles (Chennai, Inde) et de revenus élevés (Montréal, Canada). Cette étude a été financée par les National Institutes of Health (NIH), aux États-Unis.
Pour cette étude, les équipes collaboratrices ont créé des mesures pour des concepts nouveaux (p. ex., le niveau de responsabilité attribué aux patients, aux famille et aux cliniciens en matière de rétablissement) et ont adapté des mesures existantes pour les rendre pertinentes dans les deux contextes (p. ex., les références à l'église ou au rugby ont été remplacées par des références plus pertinentes localement) et pour les rendre plus adaptées aux jeunes (p. ex., ajout des jeux vidéo dans une mesure des activités récréatives). La création et l'adaptation ont nécessité diverses étapes telles qu'une revue de la littérature, des méthodes qualitatives et des consultations avec diverses parties prenantes telles que des personnes ayant une expérience vécue, les cliniciens et des chercheurs des deux équipes.
Toutes les mesures ont également été traduites et retraduites de l'anglais au tamoul et au français canadien en utilisant les meilleures pratiques. Nombre de ces mesures, nouvelles ou adaptées, ont été examinées du point de vue de leurs propriétés psychométriques, telles que la fiabilité test-retest - les gens répondent-ils aux mesures de la même manière s'ils les remplissent à deux semaines d’écart ? et la validité - les scores de la nouvelle mesure sont-ils associés aux scores d'une mesure similaire, mais bien établie).
Toutes les mesures peuvent être utilisées gratuitement en utilisant les liens sur ce site Web ou en envoyant un courriel à srividya.iyer [at] mcgill.ca. Veuillez contacter Srividya Iyer si vous envisagez de modifier ou de traduire l'une de ces mesures.
Dimension |
Instrument |
Description |
Background |
Rater |
Time of Assessment |
Available at: |
Experience of Care |
Show Me You Care |
A self-report of experience of treating team |
Novel questionnaire based on literature review and discussions with stakeholders |
During treatment |
[Wake-Forest Physician] Trust Scale |
A self-report of trust in treating doctor and case manager + trust in mental health-care system |
Adapted Wake-Forest Physician Trust Scale (Dugan et al, 2005) to also examine trust in case managers + adapted one-question about trust in health-care system (Mohseni & Lindstrom, 2007) |
During treatment |
For adaptation, Tamil or French versions, please contact: srividya.iyer [at] mcgill.ca |
[Wake-Forest] Trust [in Medical Profession] Scale |
A self-report of trust the medical profession in general + trust in health –care and mental health-care systems |
Adapted Wake-Forest Trust in Medical Profession Scale (Dugan et al, 2005) to also examine trust in medical profession + used and adapted one-question about trust in health-care system (Mohseni & Lindstrom, 2007) |
Entry to program |
For the single item on trust in the mental health system, and for Tamil or French versions, please contact: srividya.iyer [at] mcgill.ca |
Allocation of Responsibility | ShareDISK | A visual clinical or research tool for assessing distribution of responsibilities between patients, clinicians, and treatment provider overall | Novel measure |
Patient Family- Member Clinician |
During treatment |
https://doi.org/10.1177/0020764020913580 |
Whose Responsibility Scale | A self-report asking respondents to assign relative responsibility to combinations of the government, persons with mental health problems, and family for seven support needs | Novel questionnaire based on iterative discussions of clinician-scientists and mental health professionals in both Chennai and Montreal |
Patient Family- Member Clinician |
During treatment (patient & family); One-time (clinician) |
https://doi.org/10.1186/s13033-021-00510-x |
Dimension |
Instrument |
Description |
Background |
Rater |
Time of Assessment |
Available at: |
Functioning |
Functional Outcomes Interview |
A semi-structured interview by clinician providing a thorough assessment of multiple functional roles and aspects of each role |
Novel interview with some questions adapted from relevant sections of the Client Service Receipt Inventory (Chisholm et al., 2000) and WHO Life Chart Schedule (Susser et al., 1992). |
During treatment |
Roles and Aspirations among Youth |
A patient-reported measure of current role functioning and future aspirations |
Novel questionnaire with some items adapted from Wisconsin Quality of Life Interview (Becker et al., 1993) and the Social Functioning Scale (Birchwood et al., 1990). |
During treatment |
Social Functioning Scale – Early Intervention |
A patient-reported measure of social, recreational and independent functioning |
Adapted from Social Functioning Scale (Birchwood et al., 1990) prosocial, recreation & independence-performance scales. Novel items added to update + objective ratings of expected independence-performance from evaluators |
PROM + CROM (expected performance) |
During treatment |
Quality of Life / Recovery |
Wisconsin Quality of Life Index- Client Questionnaire |
Self-report of patient satisfaction with various aspects of their lives and the importance attributed to these aspects |
Used Wisconsin Quality of Life Interview (Becker et al., 1993) general satisfaction & social relations domains + two novel items |
During treatment |
srividya.iyer [at] mcgill.ca |
Self-report of four aspects of hope for the future
Novel questionnaire
During treatment
srividya.iyer [at] mcgill.ca
Allocation of Responsibility |
ShareDISK (specific question) |
A visual clinical or research tool for assessing distribution of responsibilities between patients, clinicians, and treatment providers in their particular case |
Novel measure |
Patient Family- Member Clinician |
During treatment
Dimension |
Instrument |
Description |
Background |
Rater |
Time of Assessment |
Available at: |
Family Involvement |
Family Involvement Questionnaire |
A self-report designed to assess the role that families play in the lives and treatment/follow-up of patients. |
Novel questionnaire based on focus groups in Montreal and Chennai |
During treatment |
For English, French or Tamil versions, please contact: srividya.iyer [at] mcgill.ca |
Wisconsin Quality of Life Index- Provider Questionnaire |
An assessment of social support and relations with family and friends |
Used Wisconsin Quality of Life Interview (Becker et al., 1993) social relations/ support domain |
During treatment |
For French or Tamil versions, please contact: srividya.iyer [at] mcgill.ca |
Insight/Awareness of Psychosis |
Scale of Unawareness of Mental Disorders |
An interview assessing observed changes in the ill family member’s behavior, the awareness of psychosis, the attribution of symptoms to the illness, and acknowledgement of the need for medication |
Adapted from Scale of Unawareness of Mental Disorders (Amador et al., 1994) for family members |
During treatment |
For adaptation, French or Tamil versions, please contact: srividya.iyer [at] mcgill.ca |