Luis Agellon
Academic title(s): Professor
Department: Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Niladri Basu
Academic title(s): Professor;
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Environmental Health Sciences
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Stéphane Bayen
Academic title(s): Associate Professor;
Chair, Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Treena Wasonti:io Delormier
Academic title(s): Associate Professor;
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Nutrition;
Associate Director, Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition & Environment
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Sébastien Faucher
Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Saji George
Academic title(s): Associate Professor;
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Sustainable Nanotechnology for Food and Agriculture
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Aurélie Harou
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Murray Humphries
Academic title(s): Professor;
McGill Northern Research Chair;
Director, Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Ashraf Ismail
Academic title(s): Associate Professor;
Co-Director, McGill IR Group
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Suha Jabaji
Academic title(s): Professor
Department: Plant Science
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Salwa Karboune
Academic title(s):
Associate Dean (Research);
Scientific Director, Consortium for Research, Innovation and Transformation of Agrifood
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Matthias Klein
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Animal Science
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Kristine Koski
Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Stan Kubow
Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Ebenezer Miezah Kwofie
Academic title(s): Assistant Professor;
Co-Director, Integrated Food and Bioprocess Engineering Program
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Mark Lefsrud
Academic title(s): Associate Professor;
William Dawson Scholar
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Xiaonan Lu
Academic title(s): Professor;
Ian & Jayne Munro Chair in Food Safety;
William Dawson Scholar
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Chandra Madramootoo
Academic title(s): Distinguished James McGill Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Grace Marquis
Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez
Academic title(s): Associate Professor;
Margaret A. Gilliam Scholar, Margaret A. Gilliam Institute for Global Food Security
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Global Food Security, Margaret A. Gilliam Institute for, Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health