Luis Agellon

Luis Agellon

Academic title(s): Professor
Department: Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Niladri Basu

Niladri Basu

Academic title(s): Professor; Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Environmental Health Sciences
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Stéphane Bayen

Stéphane Bayen

Academic title(s): Associate Professor; Chair, Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Treena Wasonti:io Delormier

Treena Wasonti:io Delormier

Academic title(s): Associate Professor; Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Nutrition; Associate Director, Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition & Environment
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Sébastien Faucher

Sébastien Faucher

Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Saji George

Saji George

Academic title(s): Associate Professor; Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Sustainable Nanotechnology for Food and Agriculture
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Aurélie Harou

Aurélie Harou

Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Murray Humphries

Murray Humphries

Academic title(s): Professor; McGill Northern Research Chair; Director, Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Ashraf Ismail

Ashraf Ismail

Academic title(s): Associate Professor; Co-Director, McGill IR Group
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Suha Jabaji

Suha Jabaji

Academic title(s): Professor
Department: Plant Science
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Salwa Karboune

Salwa Karboune

Academic title(s): Professor; Associate Dean (Research); Scientific Director, Consortium for Research, Innovation and Transformation of Agrifood
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Matthias Klein

Matthias Klein

Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Animal Science
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
 Kristine Koski

Kristine Koski

Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
 Stan Kubow

Stan Kubow

Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Ebenezer Miezah Kwofie

Ebenezer Miezah Kwofie

Academic title(s): Assistant Professor; Co-Director, Integrated Food and Bioprocess Engineering Program
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Mark Lefsrud

Mark Lefsrud

Academic title(s): Associate Professor; William Dawson Scholar
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Xiaonan Lu

Xiaonan Lu

Academic title(s): Professor; Ian & Jayne Munro Chair in Food Safety; William Dawson Scholar
Department: Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Research areas: Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health, Bioproducts, biomaterials and bioenergy
Chandra Madramootoo

Chandra Madramootoo

Academic title(s): Distinguished James McGill Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply
Grace Marquis

Grace Marquis

Academic title(s): Associate Professor
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health
Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez

Hugo Melgar-Quiñonez

Academic title(s): Associate Professor; Margaret A. Gilliam Scholar, Margaret A. Gilliam Institute for Global Food Security
Department: Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Global Food Security, Margaret A. Gilliam Institute for, Human Nutrition, School of
Research areas: Environment, ecology and sustainability, Soil, water and their sustainable management, Sustainable crop and livestock production systems, Safe, nutritious and secure food supply, Human nutrition and One Health


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