Valerio Hoyos-Villegas

Valerio Hoyos-Villegas

Academic title(s): Assistant Professor
Department: Plant Science
Research areas: Abiotic and biotic stress, Agriculture, Agri-food pathogens, Climate change, Emerging tools for plant and animal production, Food security, Health, Nutrient diversity, Nutrition, Plant production, Plant-microbe interactions, Sustainable management systems
Murray Humphries

Murray Humphries

Academic title(s): Professor McGill Northern Research Chair Director, Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment
Department: Natural Resource Sciences
Research areas: Arctic and Northern, Biodiversity, Climate change, Ecology, Ecosystems, Food security, Indigenous, Nutrition, Wildlife
Chandra Madramootoo

Chandra Madramootoo

Academic title(s): Distinguished James McGill Professor
Department: Bioresource Engineering
Research areas: Agriculture, Carbon management, Climate change, Environment, Food security, Greenhouse gases, Soil and water systems, Water
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