All ideas and requests for renovations to classrooms or teaching labs, change to infrastructure of classrooms, and equipment for teaching labs should now be sent to Associate Dean (Academic):
- Requests / suggestions received at any time
- Requests / suggestions should include specifics re current situation, what is needed, why, what course(s) and how many students will benefit, explanation of degree of urgency, quotation for equipment requests
- AD Academic acknowledges receipt, adds request to relevant request inventory
- On receipt of requests, AD Academic flags urgent items for attention of Macdonald sub-Committee on Physical Facilities and the Dean
- In April and December, and when asked in regard to specific calls for proposals, AD Academic forwards inventory of requests to, as relevant, Chair of Sub-Committee on Physical Facilities and our representatives on Teaching and Learning Spaces Working Group (TLSWG) and University Teaching Labs Working Group (UTLWG), and includes an assessment of academic priority based on the case made for need
- At the same time, AD Academic also notifies all who have submitted requests that their request has been forwarded (so that they don’t feel they have to submit it again)
- Every two years, those who submitted requests are contacted to see if their request is still relevant
Communication Strategy
- Chair’s Meeting and Faculty Meeting regarding shift in process and general email to All Users announcing that, henceforth, all suggestions should come to AD Academic
- Email to all All Users distribution list in mid-March and mid-November each year that asks for suggestions and that also mentions that funding for major projects is extremely limited but ideas still welcome
- Yearly update provided to Chairs and Faculty from AD Academic and reps on TLSWG and UTLWG