Terms of reference
The Humanities and Social Sciences Library Advisory Committee (HSSLAC) is made up of faculty members representing units in the Faculty of Arts as well as students representing the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) and the Post Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS).
The membership shall be for a two-year term and shall consist of: A minimum of six (6) representatives from departments, schools or units in Arts, of which at least two (2) are from Social Sciences and at least two (2) from Humanities; preferably Arts representatives are chosen from different departments, schools or units; one (1) Faculty of Education representative; one (1) Faculty of Management representative; two (2) PGSS representative, preferably chosen from different disciplines; two (2) AUS representatives (preferably one from Social Sciences and one from Humanities); one (1) Education Undergraduate Society representative; one (1) Management Undergraduate Society representative; and the Head of Liaison Services, Humanities and Social Sciences Library. There shall be a minimum of four (4) meetings per year.
Members are recommended by the Arts Nominating Committee and by their respective student societies and are appointed by the Faculty of Arts Council. The Chair of the Humanities and Social Sciences Library Advisory Committee has a seat on the Senate Committee on Libraries.
The Committee’s role is to advise the Administration of the Humanities and Social Sciences Library on policy matters relating to collections, services and specific user needs, and to consider questions under review by the Senate Committee on Libraries. Such matters may include:
- hearing reports from the library in order to share with colleagues and to form subcommittees to work on special projects (such as conducting surveys of colleagues);
- bringing awareness to colleagues regarding services provided by the library;
- participating in the recruitment of professional staff as appropriate;
- ensuring communication flows with units and acting as a forum for discussing concerns and issues related to academic libraries;
- assisting in relationship-building with the units and the library;
- serving as a contact for students and colleagues.
Chair & Associate Dean (Academic Administration and Oversight), Faculty of Arts
michael.fronda [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Michael Fronda) - Department of History and Classical Studies
Faculty & Departmental Representatives (2020-2021)
Faculty of Arts
Department of Economics
francesco.amodio [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Francesco Amodio)
Department of History and Classical Studies
travis.bruce [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Travis Bruce)
Department of History and Classical Studies
elizabeth.elbourne [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Elizabeth Elbourne)
Department of Sociology
School of Religious Studies
ian.henderson [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Ian Henderson)
School of Information Studies
rebekah.willson [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Rebekah Wilson)
Department of Political Science
erik.kuhonta [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Erik Kuhonta)
Faculty of Education
teresa.strong-wilson [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. Teresa Strong-Wilson)
Faculty of Management
Student Representatives
Post-Graduate Students' Society (PGSS)
Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Vice-President (Academic)
academic.aus [at] mail.mcgill.ca (Ananya Nair)
Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) Vice-President (Academic)
lanya.feng [at] mail.mcgill.ca (Lenya Feng)
Faculty of Education Student Representative
Faculty of Management Student Representative
Humanities and Social Sciences Library Representative
Head of Liaison Librarian Services
eamon.duffy [at] mcgill.ca (Eamon Duffy)