BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240926T004414EDT-34831oh5PL@ DTSTAMP:20240926T044414Z DESCRIPTION:McGill University's Institute of Air and Space Law Association\ , the International Foundation for Aviation and Development\, and the Roya l Aeronautical Society invite you to their 3rd Business Luncheon with keyn ote speaker Bruno Pasturel\, Vice President and AIRBUS Representative in M ontreal.\n\nPlaza Centre-Ville (formerly the Delta Hotel)\n 777 Robert-Bour assa Avenue\n Montreal\, Quebec  H3C 3Z7\n\nCost: $50.00 (lunch\, taxes & g ratuities included). See our registration form.\n\nRSVP: Ms. Maria D'Amico \n Email: maria.damico [at]\n Phone: 514-98-5095\n\nPlease address all correspondence to:\n Maria D’Amico\n “Aviation Club Luncheon: May 17th” \n By fax: (514) 398-8197\n By mail: McGill University Institute of Air & Sp ace Law\,\n 3690 Peel Street\n Montreal\, Quebec  H3A 1W9\n\nA request for a ccreditation for 1 hour of Continuing Legal Education for jurists has been made to a recognized provider.\n DTSTART:20180517T160000Z DTEND:20180517T180000Z LOCATION:CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3C 3Z7\, Plaza Centre-Ville\, 777 Robert-Bou rassa Avenue SUMMARY:AIRBUS in North America - International Aviation Club of Montreal t alk with Bruno Pasturel URL: onal-aviation-club-montreal-talk-bruno-pasturel-287087 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR