The Faculty of Law is happy to announce the launch of its new website: the McGill Business Law Platform. Guided by Professor Peer Zumbansen, inaugural incumbent of the Professorship in Business Law...
Professor of Business Law Peer Zumbansen welcomes Jonathan Price and Bernhard Maier for the first lecture in the Seminars in Busi/lawCategory: Faculty of Law
Professor of Business Law Peer Zumbansen welcomes Simon Archer for the second installment in the Seminars in Business & Society series of 2021/lawCategory: Faculty of Law
Professor of Business Law Peer Zumbansen welcomes Law Professor Shahla Ali as part of the 2021-2022 Seminars in Business & Society series./lawCategory: Faculty of Law...
Professor of Business Law Peer Zumbansen welcomes Kara Preedy, Partner at Greenberg Traurig LLP (Berlin) as part of the 2021-2022 Seminars in Business & Society series. /lawCategory: Faculty...