Master's (M.Sc.)


In order to successfully graduate from the program, an IPN M.Sc student is required to write a Master's thesis and complete a minimum of 45 credits in a maximum of 3 years.


Master's Thesis 

The IPN M.Sc. program requires its students to undertake a laboratory research project, from start to finish, in a specific field of neuroscience that is of interest to them. The research project must be carried out under the supervision and training of a faculty researcher affiliated with the program. The students must successfully write a Master's thesis that demonstrates familiarity with the research topic, proves their ability to carry out research, and shows their skill to organize and interpret results and findings. 


45-Credit Program

IPN M.Sc. students must complete a minimum of 45 credits in order to obtain a Master's degree from the program. These credits are split between coursework, which account for 9 of the total credits, and research credits, which account for 36 of the total credits.  



Our students who graduate from the M.Sc. program may choose to continue their graduate studies at the Doctoral level within the IPN. Many pursue professional studies in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and law. Furthermore, many of our Master's graduates enter the workforce right after graduation, whether it be academia or industry. Examples of possible career positions for our M.Sc. graduates include, but are not limited to, research assistants and associates, medical writers, research analysts, policy specialists, and roles within management, marketing and entrepreneurship.


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