Student elections will no longer be supported on myInvolvement as of June 1, 2024. If you have any questions please reach out to myinvolvement [at]
/involvementCategory: Expand your expertise—Subject Knowledge Plan Your Career—Networking & Job Search Remote Skills21
/involvementCategory: Lead projects—Ethical & Professional Conduct Remote Skills21 Work with others—Teamwork & Interpersonal
/involvementCategory: Entrepreneurship Lead projects—Finances & Funding Remote Skillsets Solve problems—Entrepreneurship
/involvementCategory: Be well—Healthy Living Be well—Resilience Remote Skillsets
/involvementCategory: Expand your expertise—Subject Knowledge Lead projects—Finances & Funding Remote Skillsets
/involvementCategory: Be well—Resilience Remote Skillsets Work with others—Teamwork & Interpersonal
T/involvementCategory: Entrepreneurship Lead projects—Finances & Funding Remote Skillsets Solve problems—Entrepreneurship