2021-2022 Recorded Events
Dialogues on Indigenous Peoples' Territories, Session Two
Michelle Douglas lecture | The Accidental Legal Activist: How I Used the Courts to Seek Justice
Protecting Disability Rights in a Pandemic
Demanding Justice, Freedom and Participation for the Women of Afghanistan
The War in Ukraine : What Can the International Community Do?
Gender Justice and Lived Legal Pluralism
Dialogues on Indigenous Peoples' Territories, Session One
Nobody's Property: Human Trafficking in Canada
Theory and Praxis of Reparations: Perspectives from Canada and Colombia
Methodology and the International Legal Profession
Annie MacDonald Langstaff Seminar Series: "Changing the Rules" with Professor Esmeralda M.A. Thornhill
Annie MacDonald Langstaff Seminar Series: "Mothers-in-law", International Dialogues on Women and Human Rights
John P. Humphrey Lectureship: A Right of Peoples and Individuals to International Solidarity
Speakers: Obiora C. Okafor
What Happens to the Rule of Law During a Pandemic?
International Human Rights Law and the Treatment of Prisoners in Canada
Speakers: Vicki Prais, Frédéric Mégret (moderator)
Rebel Courts: The Administration of Justice by Armed Insurgents, Book Launch
Speakers: René Provost, Frédéric Mégret (moderator)
Annie MacDonald Langstaff Seminar Series: "Mothers-in-law", International Dialogues on Women and Human Rights
Speakers: Isabel Jaramillo-Sierra
The Situation of Hazaras in Afghanistan: Discrimination, Persecution, Genocide
Academic Freedom in a Plural World: Global Critical Perspectives
Panel 1: Imagining, Defending, Critiquing Academic Freedom
Speakers: Prof. Jacob Levy (McGill University), Prof. John Palfrey (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation), Prof. Zhidong Hao (University of Macau), Prof. Sigal Ben-Porath (University of Pennsylvania), Prof. Terence Karran (University of Lincoln).
Panel 2: Diversity and the Democratization of Academic Freedom
Speakers: Prof. Angela Campbell (McGill University), Dr. Sijbolt Noorda (Observatory Magna Charta Universitatum), Prof. Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua (University of Ghana), Dr. Murtaza Shaikh (Ofcom, London & Advisor to UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues).
Panel 3: Between Authoritarianism and Populism: State Interference with Academic Freedom
Speakers: Dr. Sejal Parmar (University of Sheffield), Prof. Flavia Biroli (University of Brasilía), Prof. Nandini Sundar (University of Delhi), Prof. Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez (Université Paris Nanterre), Prof. Liviu Matei (Central European University)
Panel 4: Emerging Threats and Responses
Speakers: Mr. Robert Quinn (Scholars at Risk Network), Prof. Jenny Lee (University of Arizona), Prof. Teng Biao (Hunter College), Mr. Vincent Wong (York University, Osgoode Hall Law School), Prof. Lisa Bero (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus), Prof. Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt (Linfield University), Prof. Terri Givens (McGill University).
Student Advocacy Initiatives in the Spotlight: Scholars at Risk Canada
Speakers: Nandini Ramanujam (Co-Director, Centre for Human Rights & Legal Pluralism, McGill University), Salvador Herencia (Director, Human Rights Clinic, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa), Mirja Trilsch (Director, International Clinic for the Defence of Human Rights, UQAM), Jenny Peterson (Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Political Science, UBC)