By Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal. In this second piece of a series of two, he proposes a pathway to the global reality of Human Rights, a form of de-centred and evolutive design grounded in the lived...
By Bianca Braganza. Reclaiming human rights in a plural global order is a complex endeavor. It requires Western hegemonic ideas of what “human rights” are be critically analyzed for their...
By Frédéric Mégret. What exactly is meant by saying that rights are universal? The author proposes a reconciliation of the dichotomy between universalism and pluralism, in a “universality of...
By Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal. How are the international human rights regime and international law to recover from populism, ethno-nationalism and sovereigntism, and tackle current human rights...
By Fayyaz Baqir. A ‘universal declaration’ cannot be developed by a tiny minority of well-meaning experts on behalf of extremely diverse, disenfranchised and divided global community.