Han (Aileen) Yan

Ph.D. trainee
Han (Aileen) Yan
Contact Information
Email address: 
han.yan [at] mail.mcgill.ca

Aileen is a PhD student in Pharmacology and Therapeutics at McGill University. She previously completed her BSc in Anatomy and Cell Biology at McGill, and it was during this time that her fascination with development and toxicology was sparked. 

Current research: 

Since joining the Hales lab, she has been studying the effects of developmental exposure to a class of environmental contaminants called flame retardants on bone formation. Her time at the Hales lab and her interactions with the wider toxicology community have helped foster her keen interest in chemical risk assessment. Aileen has received several scholarships over the course of her graduate studies and currently holds a Doctoral Award from the Fonds de Recherche Santé Québec (FRQS).

Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Ph.D. Trainee
Research areas: 
Developmental toxicity of environmental chemicals
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