2018 Summer Studies info now Available

Published: 24 January 2018

Courses, field studies, key dates, and other information about the 2018 Summer term is now available on the eCalendar!

Undergraduate & Health Sciences 2017-18 info: 2nd Edition

Published: 22 August 2017

Programs, courses, and other Undergraduate and Health Sciences information has been updated to reflect new program offerings and academic info for 2017–18 on the eCalendar! Browse to your specific...

2017-18 Continuing Studies info Updated

Published: 16 June 2017

Programs, courses, and academic information for Continuing Studies have been updated to reflect new offerings for the 2017–18 academic year! Refer to the School of Continuing Studies section and...

Undergrad & Health Sciences Info Updated

Published: 19 August 2016

Programs, courses, and other Undergraduate and Health Sciences information has been updated to reflect new program offerings and academic info for 2016–17 on the eCalendar! Browse to your specific...

Continuing Studies 2017-18 programs & courses

Published: 26 April 2017

Whatever your goals and current situation, the School of Continuing Studies has something for you!

Undergraduate info for 2017-18 Academic Year

Published: 16 March 2017

Undergraduates can find academic info for Fall 2017–Summer 2018 on the eCalendar—browse each faculty section or search the entire site for program requirements; course availability; departmental ...

2017 Summer Studies Info Now Available

Published: 30 January 2017

Browse offerings for the coming Summer term, including field, exchange, and special study courses. McGill offers a wide array of condensed summer courses on two campuses designed for current...

Religious Studies moves to Arts

Published: 2 June 2016

McGill's Faculty of Religious Studies has transitioned from a faculty to become the School of Religious Studies, as part of the Faculty of Arts, as of May 2016....

Prepare for Summer 2016

Published: 23 February 2016

Start planning your summer: browse all courses offered for the Summer 2016 term. Discover the various Field, Exchange, and Special Study courses available during summer, offering practical hands-on...


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