Mathilde Jutras

Mathilde Jutras
Contact Information
Email address: 
mathilde.jutras [at]

MSc (Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences), McGill University

BSc (Physics), Université de Montréal

Current Graduate Students
Current research: 

Mathilde Jutras is a PhD candidate in biogeochemical and physical oceanography. Her project is on the causes of deoxygenation in the St. Lawrence Estuary and in the western North Atlantic. To study this topic, she uses both observations and models, as well as machine learning methods. Mathilde also launched an initiative to raise awareness of academics to the environmental impact of their air travel habits (see website), and she is a member of the Comité intersectoriel étudiant of the Fonds de recherche du Québec, who advise Quebec's scientist in chief. 

Graduate supervision: 

Alfonso Mucci (EPS) and Carolina Dufour (AOS) 

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