Canadian Graduate Engineering Consortium (CGEC) Fair
Tuesday September 19th 2023 at the Engineering Trottier Building
McGill University is a proud member of the Canadian Graduate Engineering Consortium with the University of British Columbia, Concordia University, the University of Toronto, the Toronto Metropolitan University, the University of Waterloo, McMaster University, York University, and Queen's University. Each fall, the Consortium hosts events across Canada for prospective graduate students to meet with representatives from each of these universities and to learn more about the value of pursuing graduate studies in engineering. This year, the CGEC fair will be entirely in-person and will provide students with the opportunity to meet faculty, admissions experts, and current students from these top Canadian universities. We hope to see you there!
Attending universities: University of British Columbia, McGill University, Concordia University, University of Toronto, Toronto Metropolitan University, University of Waterloo, McMaster University, Queen's University, York University
Register for CGEC here!