Cansbridge Fellowship Conference in Squamish, BC - May 13-14, 2022

The annual conference organized by The Cansbridge Fellowship brings Fellows and guests from around the world together for:

  • Immersive workshops with industry professionals, entrepreneurs, and inventors
  • Unparalleled access to BC area companies through office tours and networking events
  • A world of connections and possibilities that you can only find there!

What is The Cansbridge Fellowship?

Cansbridge is the launchpad for tomorrow’s global leaders, innovators & entrepreneurs. In order to create impact on a global scale, we believe you first need to develop the right skills and an open, global mindset. The best way to do this is to get comfortable with discomfort- by exposing yourself to new ideas, beliefs and methods in international settings.

Each May, The Cansbridge Fellowship reconnects at The Cansbridge Fellowship Conference (CFC), during a weekend in San Francisco. Exceptionally for this year, the conference is happening in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada. Five current and past Cansbridge Engine Fellows will attend the CFC.

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