BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240918T131122EDT-2599BSvGbo@ DTSTAMP:20240918T171122Z DESCRIPTION:The Sustainable Labs Working Group (SLWG\, de facto working gro up of the University Lab Safety Committee) was established in October 2014 \, bringing together students\, staff and faculty working to embed sustain ability considerations into lab processes.\n\nVision for sustainable labs at McGill: 'Engage the University community\; promote and recognize effort s to reduce material\, water\, and energy consumption while maximizing cos t savings\; improve safety and accessibility through optimizing operations \, training and awareness.' (2015)\n\nThis aligns with Action 3 “Sustainab le labs” of the University’s Priority Actions for the Vision 2020 Sustaina bility Strategy (2014-2016).\n\nThe SLWG meets approximately every 6 weeks . Meetings are open to all in the University community interested in contr ibuting to the discussion. To RSVP and/or to propose agenda items\, please contact us.\n DTSTART:20160908T180000Z DTEND:20160908T193000Z LOCATION:Room 430\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, 3610 McTavish\, 3610 McTavish SUMMARY:Sustainable Labs Working Group meeting URL: -meeting-262465 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR