Online radioisotope permit modification form

To Add/Delete Personnel

To add personnel, the following information is required:

  • Personnel Name, Position, Work Load [Class and Principle Nuclide(s)]

To delete personnel, just the name is sufficient.

Ex: Add John Doe, Graduate Student, Class 2,3 , H-3, C-14, P-32
or: Delete John Doe

To Add/Delete Open (Unsealed) Radioisotopes

To add open radioisotope(s), the following information is required:

  • Nuclide, Stored in Room No., Used in Room No., Possession Limits[List of Possession limits]

To delete open radioisotope(s), Nuclide is sufficient

Ex: Add Open Radioisotope H-3,Used in B12, stored in B14, Possession Limit < 100 MBq
or: Delete Open Radioisotope H-3

To Add/Delete Sealed Radioisotopes Permanently Housed in Equipement

To add permanent sealed radioisotope(s), the following information is required:

  • Nuclide, Type of Equipment, Model or Serial No., Manufacturer, Activity(specify unit) and Date, Location of Equipment (Room no.)

To delete permanent sealed radioisotope(s), Nuclide is sufficient

Ex: Add Permanent housed Sealed Radioisotope H-3, Gas chromatograph, Model A Serial # 153, Manufactured by Hewlett Packard.
or: Delete Permanent housed Sealed Radioisotope H-3

To Add/Delete Accessible Sealed Sources

To add accessible sealed radioisotope(s), the following information is required:

  • Nuclide, Physical Form, Supplier, Activity in MBq and Date, Stored in Room no., Used in Room no.

To delete accessible sealed radioisotope(s), Nuclide is sufficient

Ex: Add Accessible Sealed Radioisotope H-3, Solid, NEN, 50MBq 11 Nov 1999, Stored in Room 15, Used in Room 15 of the Rutherford Physics Building.
or: Delete Accessible Sealed Radioisotope H-3

To modify your permit, fill in the appropriate information and then the RSO will contact you.

Add all information regarding additions or deletions from your permit. The RSO will contact you

* indicates a required field

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