BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240614T190817EDT-3230XhxXtg@ DTSTAMP:20240614T230817Z DESCRIPTION:Abstract\n\nWavelength-selective photonic devices are important in several fields. Fabrication variations are often responsible for the d ecreased experimental performance of photonic devices compared to simulati ons\, and identifying the variations that have the most impact can help us build better photonic devices. Building photonic structures using SWG str uctures offers versatility and flexibility\, such as in controlling disper sion and birefringence. Therefore\, this thesis focuses on (1) using SWG/m etamaterials for developing waveguide devices\, including BG and a WDM dip lexer\, and (2) characterizing BG in order to understand more about the fa brication variations imposed in the structures.\n\nSiN is particularly pro ne to fabrication variations which can significantly impact the characteri zed response of devices. We have updated the TMM simulation model to inclu de several of these variations\, such as waveguide sidewall angle\, cross- section dimension variations and longitudinal shrinkage. We have found wav eguide dimension variations that go against the expectation of material sh rinkage of SiN\, suggesting possible inaccuracy in the refractive index cu rve. The inclusion of longitudinal shrinkage as a simulation parameter can help to accurately simulate the bandwidth by modulating the grating stren gth. The characterized reflection curves show higher bandwidth for the TM mode than TE\, which our modified simulation model could not reproduce. Th is suggests that the fabrication variations make the actual fabricated str uctures deviate more from the ideal designed structure\, resulting in a gr eater difference between the simulated and measured responses.\n\nWe have designed both uniform and random versions of Sampled SWG-WBG. The uniform sampled SWG-WBG shows three reflection bands\, and their wavelength spacin g shows very good accuracy compared with characterization. The device can be used for spectral slicing of broadband sources and for building multi-w avelength lasers. The feasibility of random WBG using SWG is also demonstr ated. We have compared the simulated results with\, without randomization\ , evidencing its impact\, and with characterized results. The correlation between characterized reflection curves of different versions of the devic e can be as low as 27%\, suggesting effective randomization.\n\nWe have al so designed an SWG-based WDM diplexer for the 1310 nm and 1550 nm channels . Our device shows a measured extinction ratio of more than 20 dB for both ports and a good wavelength range of operation. We were able to mitigate fabrication variations by varying design parameters. The device shows a co mparable footprint and performance with the state-of-the-art\, and the use of SWG waveguides as a building block may offer increased flexibility in future versions.\n\nThese devices can find several applications in areas s uch as optical communications and MWP. The SWG WDM diplexer. They also ill ustrate the versatility and flexibility provided by SWG structures. Innova tive approaches using SWG structures can stem from our development\, and o ur fabrication variation analyses can also be used for problem mitigation in future devices.\n DTSTART:20230317T180000Z DTEND:20230317T200000Z LOCATION:Room 603\, McConnell Engineering Building\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H 3A 0E9\, 3480 rue University SUMMARY:PhD defence of Bruno Taglietti – Wavelength selective devices in SO I and silicon nitride URL: velength-selective-devices-soi-and-silicon-nitride-346822 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR