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Evaluation of the Training and Human Resources Development Project: Overview
The Training and Human Resources Development Project (THRDP) underwent an external evaluation, conducted by the Centre de recherche et d’expertise en évaluation, based at the École nationale d’administration publique. The evaluation had two main goals:
- Accountability to Health Canada and to our project partners
- Identifying lessons learned and ways to improve the project.
The evaluation was guided by an Internal Evaluation Committee, with representatives from McGill, and by an External Evaluation Committee, with representatives from the Agences de la santé et des services sociaux, educational institutions, and community groups.
The evaluation had two main components:
- Evaluation of the implementation of the project. This component addressed the following questions:
- What needs is the THRDP intended to address? To what extent is the program a relevant strategy to address them?
- To what extent does the THRDP-as-implemented correspond to the planned project?
- If there are differences between the planned and the actual project, will the changes facilitate the achievement of the desired results?
- What factors have facilitated or challenged the THRDP’s implementation?
- Have the components of the THRDP produced their expected outputs?
- What lessons have been learned to date from the implementation of the THRDP?
- How could the project be improved?
- Evaluation of the results. This component addressed the following questions:
- To what extent the THRDP has contributed to the capacity of the health and social services system to offer English language services?
- Has the THRDP helped reduce linguistic barriers in the health and social services system?
- Has the THRDP contributed to improve accessibility to English language health and social services?
The evaluation data collection strategies included: secondary analysis of administrative data; telephone interviews with project partners in all regions; focus groups with community organizations in each region, and questionnaires for participants in the training and development programs.
An Interim Evaluation Report was submitted to Health Canada in March 2007, and the Final Evaluation Report was submitted in October 2007.
For further information, please contact nkishchuk [at] sympatico.ca (Natalie Kishchuk) , evaluation consultant for the THRDP.
Final Evaluation Report of the Training and Human Resources Development Project. (in French): Rapport final d’évaluation [.pdf]
Study of the secondary data within the framework of the evaluation of the Training and Human Resources Development project: Review of Secondary Data [.doc]
Management Response of Steering Committee
Réponse de gestion du Comité directeur au Rapport final d’évaluation du Projet de formation et de développement des ressources humaines (In French): Réponse de gestion [.doc]
Response of External Evaluation Advisory Committee
Response of External Evaluation Advisory Committee to Final Evaluation Report for McGill University’s Training and Human Resources Development Project Response of External Committee [.pdf]