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Community Networks

Retention and Distance Professional and Community Support – Call for Proposals -- 2010-13

On December 9, 2010, McGill University launched a call for proposals for retention projects for the 2010-13 period. This invitation, which included an application form as well as a guide for applicants, was addressed to community organizations in the health and social services sector serving English-speaking communities.

Organizations interested in participating were invited to submit a project proposal by January 13, 2011.

Each proposal for a regional project had to be accompanied by a favourable recommendation from the regional access committee on the delivery of English-language health and social services. Projects could be submitted before receiving that opinion, provided that the latter was forwarded to McGill University as soon as it became available.

Guide for Applicants 2010-13 Guide for Community Organizations 2010-13 [.doc]

Project Application Form - 2010-13: Form for Community Organizations 2010-13 [.doc]

Budget Summary 2010-13 Budget summary 2010-13 - Community Organizations [.xls]

Application forms were to be sent to :

Ms. Mireille Marcil
Training and Retention
of Health Professionals Project
McGill University
550 Sherbrooke St. West, West Tower, Suite 775
Montreal, Québec H3A 1B9

Telephone : 514 398-3447
Email: mireille.marcil [at]

Questions about the Project Application Form or the Guide were to be addressed to:

Ms. Lydia Dufresne
Communication Advisor
Training and Retention
of Health Professionals Project
McGill University

Telephone : 514 712-1602
Email : lydia.dufresne [at]

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