
Discrimination in Quebec and the Protected Grounds

Thursday, April 17, 2025 13:30to15:00

The primary objective of this presentation is to raise awareness of discrimination and encourage the creation of an environment where all individuals are treated with dignity, fairness, and respect. This workshop provides introductory level content about the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, along with an in-depth description of each of the 14 protected grounds, the scope of McGill's Policy on Harassment and Discrimination along with the legal analysis used to determine whether discrimination has occurred. The presentation also includes a brief explanation on how to report discrimination with McGill's Office for Mediation and Reporting. 

By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Identify the 14 protected grounds and what is included or excluded 
  • Assess how McGill’s Policy on Harassment and Discrimination applies and its limitations
  • Indicate the legal factors considered when determining if discrimination has occurred
  • Locate internal channels for reporting discrimination

To register as McGill staff:

  1. Log in to Minerva.
  2. Select Employee Menu, then Training Menu, then Organizational Development, and then follow the instructions to complete registration.
  3. Note that an Outlook invitation and Zoom link will be shared with participants closer to the date of the workshop.

To register as McGill faculty:

  1. Click here to register.
  2. Note that an Outlook invitation and Zoom link will be shared with participants closer to the date of the workshop.
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