So you think you have the next big idea? You think you have what it takes? The McGill ecosystem has quietly produced a series of successful companies over the past years./desautelsCategory:...
Montreal’s eXplorance has made it onto the Great Place to Work list of the best workplaces for the 4th year in a row. EXplorance is a learning experience management specialist that has gone through...
Samer Saab (BEng'93, MBA'96) fled a civil war in Lebanon to pursue a degree in engineering at McGill in 1990. He realized early in his career that he was best suited to launching his own company....
Samer Saab, BEng'93, MBA'96, CEO and founder of eXplorance Inc.
November 20, 2017
Guest Lectured in Technological Entrepreneurship (BUSA 691) with Prof. Michael Avedesian
Leaders should spend less time worrying about people who leave, and more time celebrating those that stay, according to Samer Saab (BEng’93, MBA’96), the CEO of Explorance, a leading experience...