Third Annual OptionMetrics Research Conference Brings Together International Academia, Financial Professionals to 'Convene' on October 20th in New York City

Published: 23 September 2014

OptionMetrics, a leading source for quality historical option price data, tools and analytics, has announced the upcoming OptionMetrics Research Conference (ORC2014). The conference will be held on...

Professor Augustin receives 2014 TCFA Best Paper Award

Published: 12 September 2014

Professor Patrick Augustin has been selected to receive a 2014 Best Paper Award by the Chinese Finance Association (TCFA) for his paper, entitled “Informed Options Trading prior to M&A...

Study: Lots of suspicious trading, but not many convictions

Published: 24 July 2014

According to a new study, insider trading often occurs during merger and acquisitions and is rarely punished. BNN takes a closer look with one of the report's co-authors, Patrick Augustin,...

Rampant insider trading rarely leads to prosecution, says study

Published: 15 July 2014

Insider trading continues to be “pervasive” before merger and acquisition deals but rarely leads to prosecutions, according to an analysis of unusual trading patterns by a team of professors in...

Es más probable que rechace las jerarquías si no se siente atractivo

Published: 15 July 2014

Harvard Business Review. Cuando las personas creen que son atractivas consideran que tienen una clase social más alta y su percepción hacia la desigualdad es más favorable, señala un estudio.

Hillshire Options Bring in the Bacon

Published: 8 July 2014

Bullish options bets on Hillshire Brands Co. stand to deliver millions of dollars in profits to one or more traders who correctly wagered in recent weeks that the company's stock would surge.

The problem with insider obsession

Published: 25 June 2014

If investors needed another reason to distrust the stock market, here’s a doozy. A study by a trio of researchers in the U.S. and Canada into insider trading found that one-quarter of the big...

Are all insiders rogue traders?

Published: 25 June 2014

Insider trading is a topic of intense public debate these days, but this debate must be framed in the context of a clear, objective definition of informed versus insider trading.

Die meisten Insiderhandler kommen davon

Published: 25 June 2014

Ofter als gedacht wird illegal ve rsucht, vertrauliche Kenntnisse an der Borse zu versilbern.


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