Shaping Education Priorities of the Future: A proposal based on Convergence and Complexity
Presented by Dr. Paul P. Maglio
/desautelsCategory: Desautels Faculty of Management
Linking Brain to Society for Adaptive Real-World Behavior: The Self, Consciousness, and the Limits on Free Will
Presented by Dr. Roy Baumeister
/desautelsCategory: Desautels Faculty of Management
Pragmatic Computational Psychiatry: Towards Precision in Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Treatment-related Objective Markers in Mood and Anxiety Disorders...
Co-hosted by the Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation (AODIRF) and Global Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) including a special collaboration with International Institute...
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to highlight weak points in global healthcare systems, Professor Laurette Dubé identifies an opportunity for large-scale innovation with primary care at the...