Managing Upward: A Key Part Of Being A Really Useful Manager For Your People

Published: 29 March 2016

The most important part of being a great boss is focusing on the people who work for you. Perhaps the second most important element is learning to effectively manage upward. Doing this well can be...

Ambition internationale, logique industrielle, risques financiers : le dilemme d’EDF

Published: 14 March 2016

Dans un contexte économique de plus en plus difficile à décrypter et à anticiper, l'agilité est devenue une compétence essentielle des organisations, qui se doivent de développer leur adaptabilité...

Why it's time for business schools to radically rethink the MBA

Published: 11 March 2016

Employers love business school graduates. That's not just a wild claim: 96% of employers globally polled by the Graduate Management Admission Council in January 2016 said that hiring such graduates...

Africa: Why It's Time for Business Schools to Radically Rethink the MBA

Published: 8 March 2016

Employers love business school graduates. That's not just a wild claim: 96% of employers globally polled by the Graduate Management Admission Council in January 2016 said that hiring such graduates...

Why it's Time for Business Schools to Radically Rethink the MBA

Published: 7 March 2016

Employers love business school graduates. That's not just a wild claim: 96% of employers globally polled by the Graduate Management Admission Council in January 2016 said that hiring such graduates...

3 questions à se poser pour bien cerner son nouveau rôle de gestionnaire

Published: 17 February 2016

Après quelques années de loyaux services au sein de votre entreprise, vous venez d’être promu gestionnaire. Bien que vous soyez du genre confiant et que vous ayez l’habitude de tout prendre en...

The real (and shocking) story of Kevin O'Leary's business career

Published: 28 January 2016

Buried in the back pages of the financial press last October was a story about the sale of his mutual fund company, O’Leary Funds, to Canoe Financial, an investment firm run by former Dragons’ Den...

«Manager wälzen Kosten auf die Gesellschaft ab»

Published: 26 January 2016

Henry Mintzberg ist ein BWL-Doyen. Mit den heutigen Managern und Business Schools geht er hart ins Gericht. Die Gier der VW-Manager sei nur die Spitze des Eisberges....


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