Delve: Striking a New Balance in Management and Society, with Henry Mintzberg and Saku Mantere

Published: 31 August 2022

How has management thinking changed in the past 50 years and where might management be headed today? In his research and writing, Desautels Faculty of Management Professor Henry Mintzberg covers...

Delve: How Collaborative, Open-Minded Management Could Heal Healthcare

Published: 18 August 2022

Walk into any hospital and you’ll witness a complex, multi-level system of personnel in action, interacting with each other, with patients, and with high-tech equipment around the clock. Healthcare...

Delve podcast: New Normal: How Fast Fashion Can Slow Down and Go Green, with Javad Nasiry

Published: 5 May 2022

Fast fashion is a rapidly expanding subsection of an already environmentally problematic industry. What does a truly sustainable fashion industry model look like—and will customers buy it?

Delve: Why Organizations Need Authentic People and Inclusive Policies, with Patricia Hewlin

Published: 7 April 2022

The complex issue of authenticity at work isn’t only about people within an organization—it’s connected to the organization’s own integrity, including policies on equity, diversity, and inclusion....

Delve: Using International Supply Chains For Peace in Times of War with Juan Camilo Serpa

Published: 17 March 2022

Risk is a fact of life in business—it’s also an ever-present reality in times of war. Wars and armed conflicts embroil 60% of the developing world, and now Ukraine and Russia, posing a constant...

Delve podcast: New Normal: Ideal Workers, Gender Equality, and COVID-19 with Alyson Gounden Rock

Published: 3 February 2022

What do “ideal workers” look like today? New research explores the history of gender differences in work and points to a more equal—and genuinely ideal—future of work for all.

Delve podcast: New Normal: Climate Change and the Supply Chain with Sanjith Gopalakrishnan

Published: 2 December 2021

Carbon emissions from a typical company’s supply chain are on average 5.5 times that of direct emissions, including from facilities and company vehicles. In certain sectors such as retail and food ...

Delve: Why Ultra-Low Yields Don’t Mean the End of Sustainable Pension Funds

Published: 26 November 2021

Retirement systems around the world, from public pension plans to private funds, are weathering a storm of ultra-low bond yields that threaten not only adequate returns for pensioners but the...

Delve: It’s Difficult to Breathe Behind a Facade, but Psychological Safety is the Antidote

Published: 25 November 2020

According to McGill University’s Professor Patricia Faison Hewlin, today’s socio-political climate has placed diversity and inclusion at the forefront, revealing the depth to which psychological...


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