Quality Improvement Initiatives in Radiation Oncology: 360 evaluations and beyond...
Revisiting Revascularisation Strategies...
Thirty Years of BRCA1/2 research: what have we learned? Speaker: William D. Foulkes MD, MBBS /deptmedicineCategory: Dept. of Medicine
Diagnostics 4.0 for STI/HIV infections: the now & the envisioned future/deptmedicineCategory: Dept. of Medicine
Complements and Insults: A New Approach to Glomerular Diseases with Therapeutic...
McGill Wellness Virtual MUHC Schwartz Rounds/deptmedicineCategory: Dept. of Medicine
Exercise as Medicine: Prescribing and Packaging for Diabetes Treatment, Remission, and Prevention Speaker: Dr Kaberi Dasgupta MD, CM, MSc (Epidemiology)/deptmedicineCategory: Dept. of Medicine
Statistics, uncertainty, and the physician/deptmedicineCategory: Dept. of Medicine
2024 Department of Medicine Research Symposium /deptmedicineCategory: Dept. of Medicine