
Computational Systems Neuroscience Laboratory


Marquez, M.M., Chacron, M.J. (2023). Serotonin increases population coding of behaviorally relevant stimuli by enhancing responses of ON but not OFF-type sensory neurons. Heliyon 9:e18315. PDF icon 2023_marquez_heliyon.pdf
Metzem, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2023). Descending pathways increase sensory neural response heterogeneity to facilitate decoding and behavior. iScience 26:107139. PDF icon 2023_metzen_iscience.pdf
Haggard, M., Chacron, M.J. (2023). Coding of object location by heterogeneous neural populations with spatially dependent correlations in weakly electric fish. PLoS Computational Biology 19: e1010938. PDF icon 2023_haggard_ploscompbiol.pdf
Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J. (2023). Neural substrates of perception in the vestibular thalamus during natural self-motion: A review . Current Research in Neurobiology 4:100073.  PDF icon 2023_cullen_crneurbiol.pdf


Lin, T., Mohammadi, M., Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J., Huang, M.Y. (2022). Optokinetic set-point adaptation functions as an internal dynamic calibration mechanism for oculomotor disequilibrium. iScience 25:105335. PDF icon 2022_lin_iscience.pdf
Chacron, M.J. (2022). The role of ADM in brain function. Nature Computational Science 2:628-629.
Carriot, J., McAllister, G., Hooshangnejad, H., Mackrous, I., Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J. (2022). Sensory adaptation mediates efficient and unambiguous encoding of natural stimuli by vestibular thalamocortical pathways. Nature Communications 13: 2612. PDF icon 2022_carriot_natcommun.pdf


Carriot, J., Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J. (2021). The neural basis for violations of Weber’s law in self-motion perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118: e2025061118. PDF icon 2021_carriot_pnas.pdf
Wang, Z., Chacron, M.J. (2021). Synergistic population coding of natural communication stimuli by hindbrain electrosensory neurons. Scientific Reports 11: 10840. PDF icon 2021_wang_scirep.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2021). Population coding of natural electrosensory stimuli by midbrain neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 41: 3822-3841. PDF icon 2021_metzen_jneurosci.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Markham, M.R. (2021). Editorial: Recent Advances in Electroreception and Electrogeneration. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 15: 668677. PDF icon 2021_chacron_frontintegrneurosci.pdf


Mackrous, I., Carriot, J., Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J. (2020). Neural variability determines coding strategies for natural self-motion in macaque monkeys. eLife 9:e57484. PDF icon 2020_mackrous_elife.pdf
Kim. C., Chacron, M.J. (2020). Lower baseline variability gives rise to lower detection thresholds in midbrain than hindbrain electrosensory neurons. Neuroscience 448: 43-54. PDF icon 2020_kim_neuroscience.pdf
Marquez, M.M., Chacron, M.J. (2020). Serotonergic modulation of sensory neuron activity and behavior in Apteronotus albifrons. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 14: 38. PDF icon 2020_marquez_frontintegrneurosci.pdf
Hofmann, V., Chacron, M.J. (2020). Neural On- and Off-type heterogeneities improve population coding of envelope signals in the presence of stimulus-induced noise. Scientific Reports 10: 10194. PDF icon 2020_hofmann_scirep.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Hofmann, V., Chacron, M.J. (2020). Neural synchrony gives rise to amplitude- and duration-invariant encoding consistent with perception of natural communication stimuli. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14: 79. PDF icon 2020_metzen_frontneurpersci.pdf

Marquez, M.M., Chacron, M.J. (2020). Serotonin modulates optimized coding of natural stimuli through increased neural and behavioral responses via enhanced burst firing. Journal of Physiology. 598: 1573-1589. PDF icon 2020_marquez_jphysiol.pdf

Marquez, M.M., Chacron, M.J. (2020). Serotonin and sensory processing. In: Muller, C., Cunningham, K. (eds) Handbook of the Behavioral Neurobiology of Serotonin, vol 31: 449-459. Academic press 



Lin, T., Mohammadi, M., Fathalla, A.M., Pul, D., Lüthi, D., Romano, F., Straumann, D., Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J., Huang, M.Y. (2019). Negative optokinetic afternystagmus in larval zebrafish demonstrates set-point adaptation. Scientific Reports 9: 19039 PDF icon 2019_lin_scirep.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2019). Envelope Coding and Processing: Implications for Perception and Behavior. In: Carlson B., Sisneros J., Popper A., Fay R. (eds) Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from
Comparative Approaches. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, vol 70. Springer, Cham. 
Hofmann, V., Chacron, M.J. (2019). Novel functions of feedback in electrosensory processing. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 13: 52. PDF icon 2019_hofmann_frontintneuro.pdf
Huang, C.G., Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2019). Descending pathways mediate adaptive optimized coding of natural stimuli in weakly electric fish. Science Advances 5: eaax2211. PDF icon 2019_huang_sciadv.pdf
Jamali, M., Carriot, J., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E., (2019). Coding strategies in the otolith system differ for translational head motion vs static orientation relative to gravity. eLife 8: e45573.  PDF icon 2019_jamali_elife.pdf




Mitchell, D.E., Kwan, A., Carriot, J., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E, (2018). Neuronal variability and tuning are balanced to optimize naturalistic self-motion coding in primate vestibular pathways. eLife 7: e43019. PDF icon 2018_mitchell_elife.pdf
Hofmann, V., Chacron, M.J. (2018). Active Sensing: Constancy Requires Change. Current Biology 28: R1391-R1394. PDF icon 2018_hofmann_currbiol.pdf
Hofmann, V., Chacron, M.J. (2018). Population Coding and Correlated Variability in Electrosensory Pathway. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 12: 56.  PDF icon 2018_hofmann_frontintneuro.pdf
Huang, C.G., Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2018). Feedback optimizes neural coding and perception of natural stimuli. eLife 7: e38935. PDF icon 2018_huang_elife.pdf
Thomas, R.A., Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2018). Weakly electric fish distinguish between envelope stimuli arising from different behavioral contexts. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb178244. PDF icon 2018_thomas_journalexpbiol.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Huang, C.G., Chacron, M.J. (2018). Descending pathways generate perception of and neural responses to weak sensory input. PLoS Biology 16: e2005239. PDF icon 2018_metzen_plosbio.pdf
Marquez, M.M., Chacron, M.J. (2018). Serotonin selectively increases detectability of motion stimuli in the electrosensory system. eNeuro 5: ENEURO.0013-18.2018. PDF icon 2018_marquez_eneuro.pdf




Hofmann, V., Chacron, M.J. (2017). Differential receptive field organizations give rise to nearly identical neural correlations across three parallel sensory maps in weakly electric fish. PLoS Computational Biology 13: e1005716. PDF icon 2017_hofmann_ploscompbiol.pdf
Carriot, J., Jamali, M., Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J. (2017). Envelope statistics of self-motion signals experienced by human subjects during everyday activities: implications for vestibular processing. PLoS One 12: e0178664. PDF icon 2017_carriot_plosone.pdf
Sproule, M.K.J., Chacron, M.J. (2017). Electrosensory neural responses to natural electro-communication stimuli are distributed along a continuum. PLoS One 12: e0175322. PDF icon 2017_sproule_plosone.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2017). Stimulus background influences phase invariant coding by correlated neural activity. eLife 6: e24482. PDF icon 2017_metzen_elife.pdf
Huang, C.G., Chacron, M.J. (2017). SK channel subtypes enable parallel optimized coding of behaviorally relevant stimulus features: a review. Channels 11: 281-304. PDF icon 2017_huang_channels.pdf
Carriot, J., Jamali, M., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E. (2017). The statistics of the vestibular input experienced during natural self-motion differ between rodents and primates. Journal of Physiology 595: 2751-2766. PDF icon 2017_carriot_jphysiol.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Fortune, E.S., Chacron, M.J. (2017). Physiology of Tuberous Electrosensory systems. Elsevier Reference Module in Life Sciences 03045. PDF icon 2017_metzen_lsm.pdf




Martinez, D., Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2016). Electrosensory processing in Apteronotus albifrons: implications for general and specific neural coding strategies across wave-type weakly electric fish species. Journal of Neurophysiology 116: 2909-2921. PDF icon 2016_martinez_jneurophys.pdf

Jamali, M., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E. (2016). Self-motion evokes precise spike timing in the primate vestibular system. Nature Communications 7: 13229. PDF icon 2016_jamali_naturecomms.pdf

Huang, C.G., Chacron, M.J. (2016). Optimized parallel coding of second-order stimulus features by heterogeneous neural populations. Journal of Neuroscience 36: 9859-9872.PDF icon 2016_huang_jneurosci.pdf

Metzen, M.G., Krahe, R., Chacron, M.J. (2016). Burst firing in the electrosensory system of gymnotiform weakly electric fish: mechanisms and functional roles. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 10: 81. PDF icon 2016_metzen_frontcompneuro.pdf
Zhang, Z.D., Chacron, M.J. (2016). Adaptation to second order stimulus features by electrosensory neurons causes ambiguity. Scientific Reports 6: 28716. PDF icon 2016_zhang_scirep.pdf

Metzen, M.G., Hofmann, V., Chacron, M.J. (2016). Neural correlations enable invariant coding and perception of natural stimuli in weakly electric fish. eLife 5: e12993. PDF icon 2016_metzen_elife.pdf

Huang, C.G., Zhang, Z.D., Chacron, M.J. (2016). Temporal decorrelation by SK channels enables efficient neural coding and perception of natural stimuli. Nature Communications 7: 11353. PDF icon 2016_huang_naturecomms.pdf
Zhang, Z., Chacron, M.J. (2016). Scale-invariant adaptation in response to second-order electro-sensory stimuli in weakly electric fish. McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal 11: 16-21. PDF icon 2016_zhang_msurj.pdf




Sproule, M.K.J., Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2015). Parallel sparse and dense information coding streams in the electrosensory midbrain. Neuroscience Letters 607: 1-6.PDF icon 2015_sproule_neuroscilett.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Ávila-Ǻkerberg, O., Chacron, M.J. (2015). Coding stimulus amplitude by correlated neural activity. Physical Review E 91: 042717. PDF icon 2015_metzen_pre.pdf
Schneider, A.D., Jamali, M., Carriot, J., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E. (2015). The increased sensitivity of irregular peripheral canal and otolith vestibular afferents optimizes their encoding of natural stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience 35: 5522-5536. PDF icon 2015_schneider_jneurosci.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Jamali, M., Carriot, J., Ávila-Ǻkerberg, O., Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J. (2015). Coding of envelopes by correlated but not single neuron activity requires neural variability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112: 4791-4796. PDF icon 2015_metzen_pnas.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2015). Neural heterogeneities determine response characteristics to second-, but not first-order stimulus features. Journal of Neuroscience 35: 3124-3138.PDF icon 2015_metzen_jneurosci.pdf
Simmonds, B., Chacron, M.J. (2015). Activation of parallel fiber feedback by spatially diffuse stimuli simultaneously reduces signal and noise correlations via independent mechanisms in a cerebellum-like structure. PLoS Computational Biology 11: e1004034. PDF icon 2015_simmonds_ploscompbiol.pdf




Carriot, J., Jamali, M., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E. (2014). Statistics of the vestibular input experienced during natural self-motion: implications for neural processing. Journal of Neuroscience 34: 8347-8357. PDF icon 2014_carriot_jneurosci.pdf
Larson, E.A., Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2014). Serotonin modulates electrosensory processing and behavior via 5-HT2-like receptors. Neuroscience 271: 108-118. PDF icon 2014_larson_neuroscience.pdf
Khosravi-Hashemi, N., Chacron, M.J. (2014). Motion processing across multiple topographic maps in the electrosensory system. Physiological Reports 2: e00253. PDF icon 2014_khosravihashemi_physrep.pdf
Metzen, M.G., Chacron, M.J. (2014). Weakly electric fish display behavioral responses to envelopes naturally occurring during movement: implications for neural processing. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:1381-1391. PDF icon 2014_metzen_jeb.pdf




Deemyad, T., Metzen, M.G., Pan, Y., Chacron, M.J. (2013). Serotonin selectively enhances perception and sensory neural responses to stimuli generated by same-sex conspecifics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 110: 19609-19614. PDF icon 2013_deemyad_pnas.pdf

Jamali, M., Carriot, J., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E. (2013). Strong correlations between sensitivity and variability give rise to constant discrimination thresholds across the otolith afferent population. Journal of Neuroscience 33: 11302-11313. PDF icon 2013_jamali_jneurosci.pdf
Toscano-Márquez, B., Krahe, R., Chacron, M.J. (2013). Neuromodulation of early electrosensory processing in gymnotiform weakly electric fish. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 2442-2450. PDF icon 2013_toscanomarquez_jeb.pdf
Stamper, S.A., Fortune, E.S., Chacron, M.J. (2013). Perception and coding of envelopes in weakly electric fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 2393-2402. PDF icon 2013_stamper_jeb.pdf




Deemyad, T., Kroeger, J., Chacron, M.J. (2012). Sub and Suprathreshold adaptation currents have opposite effects on frequency tuning. Journal of Physiology 590: 4839-4858. PDF icon 2012_deemyad_jphysiol.pdf

Litwin-Kumar, A., Chacron, M.J., Doiron, B. (2012). The spatial structure of stimuli shapes the timescale of correlations in population spiking activity. PLoS Computational Biology 8: e1002667. PDF icon 2012_litwinkumar_ploscompbiol.pdf
Massot, C., Schneider, A.D., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E. (2012). The vestibular system implements a linear-nonlinear transformation in order to encode self-motion. PLoS Biology 10: e1001365. PDF icon 2012_massot_plosbio.pdf
Khosravi-Hashemi, N., Chacron, M.J. (2012). Bursts and isolated spikes code for opposite movement directions in midbrain electrosensory neurons. PLoS One 7: e40339. PDF icon 2012_khosravihashemi_plosone.pdf
McGillivray, P., Vonderschen, K., Fortune, E.S., Chacron, M.J. (2012). Parallel coding of first and second order stimulus attributes by midbrain electrosensory neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 32: 5510-5524. PDF icon 2012_mcgillivray_jneurosci.pdf




Vonderschen, K., Chacron, M.J. (2011). Sparse and dense coding of natural stimuli by distinct midbrain neuron subpopulations in weakly electric fish. Journal of Neurophysiology 106: 3102-3118. PDF icon 2011_vonderschen_jneurophys.pdf

Khosravi-Hashemi, N., Fortune, E.S., Chacron, M.J. (2011). Coding movement direction by burst firing in electrosensory neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 106: 1954-1968. PDF icon 2011_khosravihashemi_jneurophys.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A., Maler, L. (2011). Efficient computation via sparse coding in electrosensory neural networks. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 21:752-760. (invited contribution). PDF icon 2011_chacron_coneur.pdf
Schneider, A.D., Cullen, K.E., Chacron, M.J. (2011). In vivo conditions induce faithful encoding of stimuli by reducing nonlinear synchronization in vestibular sensory neurons. PLoS Computational Biology 7: e1002120. PDF icon 2011_schneider_ploscompbiol.pdf
Ávila-Ǻkerberg, O., Chacron, M.J. (2011). In vivo conditions influence the coding of stimulus features by bursts of action potentials. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 31: 369-383. PDF icon 2011_avilaakerberg_jcomputneurosci.pdf
Fortune, E.S., Chacron, M.J. (2011). Physiology of Tuberous Electrosensory Systems. In: Farrell A.P., (ed.), Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment. 1: 366–374. San Diego: Academic Press. (invited contribution). PDF icon 2011_fortune_fisp.pdf
Ávila-Ǻkerberg, O., Chacron, M.J. (2011). Nonrenewal spike train statistics: causes and consequences on neural coding. Experimental Brain Research 210: 353-371. PDF icon 2011_avilaakerberg_ebr.pdf
Massot, C., Chacron, M.J., Cullen, K.E. (2011). Information transmission and detection thresholds in the vestibular nuclei: single neurons versus population encoding. Journal of Neurophysiology 105: 1798-1814. PDF icon 2011_massot_jneurophysiol.pdf
Deemyad, T., Maler, L., Chacron, M.J. (2011). Inhibition of SK and M channel mediated currents by 5-HT enables parallel processing by bursts and isolated spikes. Journal of Neurophysiology 105: 1276-1294. PDF icon 2011_deemyad_jneurophysiol.pdf
Savard, M., Krahe, R., Chacron, M.J. (2011). Neural heterogeneities influence envelope and temporal coding at the sensory periphery. Neuroscience 172: 270-284. PDF icon 2011_savard_neuroscience.pdf




Chacron, M.J., Fortune, E.S. (2010). Subthreshold membrane conductances enhance directional selectivity in vertebrate sensory neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 449-462.PDF icon 2010_chacron_jneurophys.pdf

Ávila-Ǻkerberg, O., Krahe, R., Chacron, M.J. (2010). Neural heterogeneities and stimulus properties affect burst coding in vivo. Neuroscience 168: 300-313.PDF icon 2010_avilaakerberg_neuroscience.pdf
Ávila-Ǻkerberg, O., Chacron, M.J. (2010). Noise shaping in neural populations with global delayed feedback. Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena 5: 100-124. (invited contribution).PDF icon 2010_avilaakerberg_mmnp.pdf




Chacron, M.J., Toporikova, N., Fortune, E.S. (2009). Differences in the time course of short-term depression across receptive fields are correlated with directional selectivity in electrosensory neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 102: 3270-3279. PDF icon 2009_chacron_jneurophys.pdf
Toporikova, N., Chacron, M.J. (2009). SK channels gate information processing in vivo by regulating an intrinsic bursting mechanism seen in vitro. Journal of Neurophysiology 102: 2273-2287.PDF icon 2009_toporikova_jneurophys.pdf
Fortune, E.S., Chacron, M.J. (2009). From molecules to behavior: organismal-level regulation of ion channel trafficking. PLoS Biology 7: e1000211. (invited contribution).PDF icon 2009_fortune_plosbio.pdf
Hitschfeld, É.M., Stamper, S.A., Vonderschen, K., Fortune, E.S., Chacron, M.J. (2009). Effects of restraint and immobilization on electrosensory behaviors of weakly electric fish. ILAR Journal 50: 361-372. (invited contribution). PDF icon 2009_hitschfeld_ilar.pdf
Vonderschen, K., Chacron, M.J. (2009). Sparse Coding of Natural Communication Signals in Midbrain Neurons. BioMed Central Neuroscience 10: O3. PDF icon 2009_vonderschen_biomedcentral.pdf
Ávila-Ǻkerberg, O., Chacron, M.J. (2009). Noise shaping in neural populations. Physical Review E 79: 011914. PDF icon 2009_avilaakerberg_physreve.pdf




Mehaffey, W.H., Ellis, L.D., Krahe, R., Dunn, R.J., Chacron, M.J. (2008). Ionic and Neuromodulatory Regulation of Burst Discharge Controls Frequency Tuning. Journal of Physiology (Paris) 102: 195-208 (invited contribution). PDF icon 2008_mehaffey_jphysiolparis.pdf
Krahe, R., Bastian, J., Chacron, M.J. (2008). Temporal processing across multiple topographic maps in the electrosensory system. Journal of Neurophysiology 100: 852-867. PDF icon 2008_krahe_jneurophys.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Bastian, J. (2008). Population Coding by Electrosensory Neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 99: 1825-1835. PDF icon 2008_chacron_jneurophys.pdf



Ellis, L.D., Krahe, R., Bourque, C.M., Dunn, R.J., Chacron, M.J. (2007). Muscarinic Receptors Control Frequency Tuning Through the Downregulation of an A-type Potassium Current. Journal of Neurophysiology 98: 1526-1537. PDF icon 2007_ellis_jneurophys.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B., Longtin, A. (2007). Threshold Fatigue and Information Transfer. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 23: 301-311. PDF icon 2007_chacron_jcns.pdf
Sadeghi, S.G., Chacron, M.J., Taylor, M.C., Cullen, K.E. (2007). Neural Variability, Detection Thresholds, and Information Transmission in the Vestibular System. Journal of Neuroscience 27: 771-781. PDF icon 2007_sadeghi_jneurosci.pdf
Chacron, M.J. (2007). Electrolocation. Scholarpedia, 2(1):1411 (invited review). PDF icon 2007_chacron_scholarpedia.pdf




Chacron, M.J. (2006). Nonlinear information processing in a model sensory system. Journal of Neurophysiology 95: 2933-2946. PDF icon 2006_chacron_jneurophys.pdf




Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A., Maler, L. (2005). Delayed Excitatory and Inhibitory Feedback Shape Neural Information Transmission. Physical Review E 72: 051917.PDF icon 2005_chacron_physreve.pdf
Lindner, B., Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A. (2005). Integrate-and-fire neurons with threshold noise – a tractable model of how interspike interval correlations affect neuronal signal transmission. Physical Review E 72: 021911. PDF icon 2005_lindner_physreve.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Maler, L., Bastian, J. (2005). Feedback and Feedforward Control of Frequency Tuning to Naturalistic Stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience 25: 5521-5532.PDF icon 2005_chacron_jneurosci.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Maler, L., Bastian, J. (2005). Electroreceptor Neuron Dynamics Shape Information Transmission. Nature Neuroscience 8: 673-678.PDF icon 2005_chacron_natneurosci.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B., Maler, L., Longtin, A., Bastian, J. (2005). Experimental and Theoretical demonstration of Noise Shaping by Interspike Interval Correlations. Proceedings of SPIE 5841: 150-163. (invited contribution). PDF icon 2005_chacron_spie.pdf





Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A., Maler, L. (2004). To Burst or Not to Burst? Journal of Computational Neuroscience 17: 127-136. PDF icon 2004_chacron_jcns.pdf
Oswald, A.M.M., Chacron, M.J., Doiron, B., Bastian, J., Maler, L. (2004). Parallel Processing of Sensory Input by Bursts and Isolated Spikes. Journal of Neuroscience 24: 4351-4362. PDF icon 2004_oswald_jneurosci.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B., Longtin, A. (2004). ISI Correlations and Information Transfer. Fluctuations and Noise Letters 4: L195-L205. PDF icon 2004_chacron_fnl.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A., Pakdaman, K. (2004). Chaotic firing in the sinusoidally forced leaky integrate and fire model with threshold fatigue. Physica D 192: 138-160.PDF icon 2004_chacron_physicad.pdf
Bastian, J., Chacron, M.J., Maler, L. (2004). Plastic and Non-Plastic Pyramidal Cells Perform Unique Roles in a Network Capable of Adaptive Redundancy Reduction. Neuron 41: 767-779. PDF icon 2004_bastian_neuron.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B., Longtin, A. (2004). Noise Shaping by Interspike Interval Correlations Increases Information Transfer. Physical Review Letters 92: 080601.PDF icon 2004_chacron_physrevlett.pdf





Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A., Maler, L. (2003). The effects of spontaneous activity, background noise, and the stimulus ensemble on information transfer in neurons. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 14: 803-824. PDF icon 2003_chacron_network.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Doiron, B., Maler, L., Longtin, A., Bastian, J. (2003). Non-classical receptive field mediates switch in a sensory neuron’s frequency tuning. Nature 423: 77-81. PDF icon 2003_chacron_nature.pdf
Doiron, B., Chacron, M.J., Maler, L., Longtin, A., Bastian, J. (2003). Inhibitory feedback required for network oscillatory responses to communication but not prey stimuli. Nature 421: 539-543. PDF icon 2003_doiron_nature.pdf
Middleton, J.W., Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B., Longtin, A. (2003). Firing statistics of a neuron driven by long-range correlated noise. Physical Review E 68: 021920.PDF icon 2003_middleton_physreve.pdf
Chacron, M.J., Pakdaman, K., Longtin, A. (2003). Interspike Interval Correlations, Memory, Adaptation, and Refractoriness in a Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron with Threshold Fatigue. Neural Computation 15: 253-276. PDF icon 2003_chacron_neuralcomp.pdf

Longtin, A., Laing, C., Chacron, M.J. (2003). Correlations and Memory in Neurodynamical Systems. In: Long-Range Dependent Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications, G. Rangarajan and M. Ding eds. (Springer, Berlin). (invited contribution). PDF icon 2003_longtin_bookchapter.pdf





Bastian, J., Chacron, M.J., Maler, L. (2002). Receptive Field Organization Determines Pyramidal Cell Stimulus-Encoding Capability and Spatial Stimulus Selectivity. Journal of Neuroscience 22: 4577-4590. PDF icon 2002_bastian_jneurosci.pdf

Middleton, J.W., Chacron, M.J., Lindner, B., Longtin, A. (2002). Correlated Noise and Memory Effects in Neural Firing Statistics. In: Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations, S.M. Beruzkov ed., AIP Conference Proceedings 665: 183-190. PDF icon 2002_middleton_upon.pdf




Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A., Maler, L. (2001). Negative Interspike Interval Correlations Increase the Neuronal Capacity for Encoding Time Dependent Stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience 21: 5328-5343. PDF icon 2001_chacron_jneurosci.pdf

Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A., Maler, L. (2001). Simple Models of Bursting and Non-Bursting P-Type Electroreceptors. Neurocomputing 38: 129-139.PDF icon 2001_chacron_neurocom.pdf




Chacron, M.J., Longtin, A., St-Hilaire, M., Maler, L. (2000). Suprathreshold Stochastic Firing Dynamics with Memory in P-type Electroreceptors. Physical Review Letters 85: 1576-1579. PDF icon 2000_chacron_physrevlett.pdf





Chacron, M.J., L'Heureux, I. (1999). A New Model of Periodic Precipitation Incorporating Nucleation, Growth and Ripening. Physics Letters A 263: 70-77.PDF icon 1999_chacron_physletta.pdf




Chacron, M.J., Slater, G.W. (1997). Particle Trapping and Self-Focusing in Temporally Asymmetric Ratchets with Strong Field Gradients. Physical Review E 56: 3446-3450. PDF icon 1997_chacron_physreve.pdf


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