
Prof. Tomislav Friščić joins 30 other academics world wide to send a strong message about diversity, equity and inclusion

Published: 17 August 2020

A team of ca. 30 diverse scientists from all around the world, and from all walks of life, have come together to compose the article A diverse view of science to catalyst change, highlighting and promoting the importance and benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion in science. Pointing to the often unrecognized challenges of marginalized scientists – those whose scientific achievements remain in the shadow of their background, gender, social status or many other attributes – the authors also point to the important and enabling role that diversity has had in creating original ideas and true scientific advances, and give suggestions how to help improve equity and inclusion.

In a demonstration of inclusion and diversity, the essay is being co-published, simultaneously, under an open license by Nature Chemistry, Angewandte Chemie – International Edition, the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Science, Canadian Journal for Chemistry, and Croatica Chemica Acta.

The project is also promoted by the Royal Society of Canada, who will also be publishing it in their online publication Voices of the RSC, and is also accompanied by an Agenda article of the World Economic Forum.

The essay is accompanied by private views of all the authors, on diversity in science, but also on their views on the most important challenges in their respective fields. These views are accessible as a “living blog” at the Nature Research Chemistry Community, that everyone can not only read, but also contribute to

For more information, follow the Twitter hashtag: #diverseSTEM

Photo credit: Andy Brunning/Compound Interest

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