Emotional abuse may be as harmful as physical abuse and neglect. This finding led by a team of researchers at McGill University complements previous imaging research showing that emotional and physical pain both activate the same parts of the brain.

Classified as: McGill University, psychiatric, psychology, violence, child abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, David Vachon, Mt. Hope Family Center, Robert Krueger, child maltreatment
Published on: 14 Oct 2015

McGill researchers have identified a small region in the genome that conclusively plays a role in the development of psychiatric disease and obesity. The key lies in the genomic deletion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, a nervous system growth factor that plays a critical role in brain development.

Classified as: medicine, Research, mutation, Carl Ernst, disease, obesity, psychiatric
Published on: 10 Oct 2012
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