New research from McGill University reveals an overlooked impact that the widely used herbicide glyphosate may be having on the environment.

First commercialized by Monsanto under the name Roundup, glyphosate has come under scrutiny in the past, mostly in relation to its potential toxicity. This new research, published recently in the Ecological Society of America’s Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, focuses not on direct health risks associated with the herbicide, but on its contribution to environmental phosphorus levels, an issue that has yet to receive much attention.

Classified as: glyphosate, herbicides, phosphorus, contamination, soil, waterways, vincent giguere, Marie-Pier Hébert, monsanto, food and sustainability
Published on: 14 Mar 2019

Dietary changes since the early 1960s have fueled a sharp increase in the amount of mined phosphorus used to produce the food consumed by the average person over the course of a year, according to a new study led by researchers at McGill University. Between 1961 and 2007, rising meat consumption and total calorie intake underpinned a 38% increase in the world’s per capita “phosphorus footprint,” the researchers conclude in a paper published online in Environmental Research Letters.

Classified as: environment, Bennett, fertilizer, McGill School of the Environment, Metson, Natural Resource Sciences, phosphorus
Published on: 17 Jan 2013
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