For someone with Parkinson’s disease (PD), the simple desire to grasp a glass of water can become an insurmountable task, made impossible by the tremors in their hand or arm. Finding strategies to improve these movement impairments is one of the major goals of rehabilitating people with Parkinson’s disease.

At McGill University, Dr. Marc Roig, an assistant professor in the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy (SPOT), is studying the effects of using high-intensity exercise to stimulate the brain’s ability to learn and change with repeated experiences.

Classified as: faculty of medicine research, Parkinson's disease, School of Physical & Occupational Therapy
Published on: 25 Apr 2018

What’s new at The Neuro

Research: B cell study may lead to treatment options for MS

Classified as: neuroscience, brain, neurological, Neuro, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Multiple Sclerosis, MS, faculty of medicine research
Published on: 30 Apr 2014

Dr. Michael Petrides is a co-recipient of one of only 24 Program Grants awarded worldwide by the Human Frontier Science Program, an international organization that supports new research in complex biological systems. Dr. Petrides is a researcher at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro, as well as Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, and Psychology at McGill University.

Classified as: neuroscience, brain, Petrides, faculty of medicine research
Published on: 17 Apr 2014
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