A noticeable fraction of the thousands of startups I have looked at in the last seven years have made attacking a societal evil (e.g., hunger, homelessness, etc) a key part of why they exist. This is extremely laudable from a moral perspective. We should thank those people for their big hearts and open minds.

However, when trying to secure a venture investment to fund such an endeavor, these startups often fail to include an absolutely necessary section in the pitch deck: How is this investment going to make a bleeping lot of money for its institutional investors?

Classified as: Hult Prize
Published on: 16 Jan 2017

Have you heard about the next big food trend? You won’t find it growing in your garden, but you might find it crawling there.

Classified as: Hult Prize, MBA students
Published on: 23 Jun 2016

Aspire co-founder and COO Gabe Mott is a neuroscientist who never imagined he would be a cricket farmer. He is also a vegetarian, but he makes an exception for insects because he believes they are ethical, sustainable, and “a reasonable distribution of food.”  

He absolutely gushed over the succulent calamari-texture and sweetness of the palm weevil his company supports in Ghana. 

Classified as: Hult Prize, aspire food group
Published on: 29 Mar 2016

The very thought of eating insects grosses people out. The image of a creepy, crawly, bug working its way down your windpipe doesn’t exactly conjure up feelings of the contentment we feel with other foods.

But why not? How is it that a cow, pig, chicken, or fish seem more appetizing than other creatures? In other cultures who don’t have the “luxury” of consuming conventional sources of protein regularly, insects are a perfectly legitimate choice. In fact, 2 billion people worldwide eat insects regularly as a food source, and North America is JUST starting to catch on.

Classified as: Hult Prize, aspire food group, MBA Program
Published on: 3 Feb 2016

Would you rather miss a PB by a single second, or eat a grasshopper? Runners who are competitive enough would probably strongly consider the grasshopper in this moment… being grossed out is temporary, but pride is forever, right? Eating insects isn’t new. Including bugs are a main food ingredient (the technical term is entomophagy) is however becoming more trendy.

Classified as: Hult Prize, aspire food group, MBA Program
Published on: 3 Feb 2016

It’s hard to hear anything over the chirping. Cardboard boxes filled with egg cartons and sheets of plastic buzz with thousands of young-adult crickets calling out to one another to mate. The brush of the insects’ legs against the various surfaces sounds like hail on a tin roof. Their feed, which sits on top of the cartons on paper plates, looks like a cross between sawdust and sand.

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Hult Prize
Published on: 25 Sep 2015

Many people would gag at the thought of snacking on crickets. But on Wednesday, the brave crew on the Calgary Eyeopener gave them a try and unanimously decided the insects actually taste like sunflower seeds.

"I'd do another one," said traffic reporter Angela Knight, who was the first to pop a crunchy morsel in her mouth. But she preferred the Crickers — crackers made from crickets which have been milled into a powder. The cricket powder is paleo-friendly, gluten-free and a surefire way to not get any legs or antennae stuck between your teeth.

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Hult Prize
Published on: 17 Sep 2015

After 2,000 votes, a trio of distinguished alumni took home the title of Top MBA Impact Maker at the MBA 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner on May 23: Seymour Schulich, MBA’65, entrepreneur, philanthropist and author; Bertrand Cesvet, MBA’88, Executive Chairman and Senior Partner, Sid Lee; and the 2013 Hult Prize team.

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Hult Prize, Seymour Schulich, MBA Next 50, bertrand cesvet
Published on: 5 Jun 2015

À l’époque, l’histoire n’a pas fait grand bruit. Tout a débuté en 2012, lorsque cinq étudiants de l’Université McGill ont déposé leur candidature au Hult Prize. Connaissez-vous le Hult Prize ? Il s’agit d’un prestigieux concours international en entrepreneuriat social, notamment soutenu par Bill Clinton et Muhammad Yunus. Il permet au gagnant de remporter une bourse de 1 M$ US.


Read full article: Les Affaires, March 21, 2015

Classified as: Hult Prize
Published on: 20 Mar 2015

Richter is proud to announce the creation of the Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Program - an initiative to help social entrepreneurs in their mission of bringing innovative solutions to social problems. The Program aims to recognize and assist businesses that have demonstrated a positive impact on social, cultural and environmental concerns.

Classified as: Hult Prize
Published on: 6 Mar 2015

On March 13-14, McGill students Amanda Chalupa (MSc in Social & Transcultural Psychiatry), Alyssa Wiseman (MBA-Law), Attiya Hirji (BA in International Development), Lida Faridian (MBA) and Vivien Leung (Law), also known as team MILA, are headed to San Francisco to vie for the US$1 million Hult Prize to launch their social program.

Classified as: Hult Prize, MBA students, MBA Program, Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Published on: 16 Feb 2015

"Stinkbugs have an apple flavor, and red agave worms are spicy. A bite of tree worm apparently brings pork rinds to mind," reports National Geographic. "This information will come in handy for those of us following the latest recommendation from the United Nations: Consume more insects," the magazine adds... A case in point is "power flour" - a product created by MBA students from McGill University in Montreal, which assists in providing food security for impoverished countries. The flour couldn't be more timely.

Classified as: Hult Prize
Published on: 6 Feb 2015

A month-by-month recap of 2014’s quirkiest news stories

Classified as: Hult Prize
Published on: 20 Jan 2015

Registrations are now open for the 2015 Hult Prize at McGill 

Will you be the next winner of $1 Million? This year's President's Challenge will tackle Early Childhood Education. The Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill is proud to host a Campus Event which is part of the world's largest and most influential community! The best fact? We are all here to help you! 

Classified as: BCom, MBA, Hult Prize
Published on: 23 Oct 2014

With a growing world population and diminishing resources, we explore the sustainable option of edible insects. 

What do you think about entomphagy? Tell us about it!

Watch the video

Classified as: Hult Prize
Published on: 2 Oct 2014


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