Community leaders say Fady Dagher is the ‘right person’ to lead Montreal police

...“I love it. I love it. I love it. I had wanted this the last time around and he didn’t get it,” said Dr. Myrna Lashley, a psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University. Global News

Published on: 25 Nov 2022

Reprendre le contrôle sur l’anorexie

Published on: 23 Nov 2022

Dear Residents and Faculty,

The Resident Awards Night took place on November 21, 2022. We would like to thank the MPRA and the Department of Psychiatry for making this a special evening where we were able to honor Faculty, Residents and Administrative Staff achievements. It was truly a pleasure to be able to celebrate again in-person. Congratulations to all this year’s winners!

Faculty Awards

Best Clinical Supervisor for Junior residents

Winner: Dr. Alexandru Traicu

Published on: 23 Nov 2022

Dr. Richard Montoro (Associate Professor) was named the 2022 Prix d’excellence en développement professionnel continue from Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec.This distinguished prize was awarded at the Journées de formation interdisciplinaires (JFI), Palais des congrès de Montréal on November 18. This awards recognizes pioneers, builders and innovators who have advanced professional development through the implementation of educational processes, resources or educational tools. Congratulations Dr. Montoro!

Published on: 21 Nov 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Gustavo Turecki for being among the most highly cited researchers of 2022! Each year, ClavirateTM identifies scientists and social scientists who have demonstrated significant influence through publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade. Read more

Published on: 21 Nov 2022

Attention aux troubles alimentaires

Published on: 18 Nov 2022

Dr. Martin Lepage (Professor) was awarded the Prix professionnel de l'Ordre des psychologues du Québec in recognition of his outstanding work.The prize was awarded during the annual Congrès de l'Ordre des psychologues du Québec, which was held at the Palais des congrès on November 4, 2022. Congratulations Dr. Lepage! Read more

Published on: 11 Nov 2022

On November 4, 2022, researchers, clinicians, and managers of the Douglas Institute got together to celebrate Dr. Vasavan Nair (Professor) and his lifetime of contributions to psychiatry at the Douglas. Dr. Nair is one of the founders of the Douglas Research Centre and was the driving force behind the successful application to FRQS for recognition as a FRQS-supported research centre.

Published on: 11 Nov 2022

Dr. Michel Perreault was honoured for his work in the domain of addiction by the groupe de Recherche et d'intervention sur les substances psychoactives - Québec (RISQ) and the journal Drogues, Santé et Société at the 2e Sommet sur les dépendances on October 26th. Congratulations Dr. Perreault!

Published on: 11 Nov 2022

Natural disasters, pregnancy and baby health are linked. Should Canadians be worried?
It's stressful for anyone, but some researchers have been paying particular attention to how people who are pregnant — and ultimately, their babies — are affected. As new U.S. research yet again shows a link between pregnancy during natural disasters and the eventual health of those children, experts say Canadians should take note.

Published on: 11 Nov 2022

Four immigrant women changing the STEM landscape in Canada
Dr. Srividya Iyer’s passion for mental health began in childhood when her father told her stories while she sat on his lap.

Published on: 9 Nov 2022

La signature neurobiologique de l’impulsivité

« On savait déjà qu’un réseau de gènes était associé à l’impulsivité chez les animaux », explique en entrevue téléphonique Jose Maria Restrepo, doctorant au Programme intégré en neurosciences de l’Université McGill. En étudiant des souris, les chercheurs — sous la direction de Cecilia Flores, professeure titulaire au Département de psychiatrie — avaient préalablement déterminé l’importance d’un gène, le DCC.

Published on: 9 Nov 2022

Faut-il rester à l’heure normale ?

«Mais le débat devrait être beaucoup plus large que ça, plaide Nicolas Cermakian, chercheur en psychiatrie et spécialiste de la chronobiologie au Centre de recherche Douglas de l’Université McGill. C’est vrai que le changement d’heure a des effets aigus [typiquement sur quelques jours tout au plus].» Lire ici

Published on: 7 Nov 2022

Pourquoi oublie-t-on ?

Published on: 4 Nov 2022

Un programme de mentorat pour aider les jeunes hommes noirs à réussir
Financé par le gouvernement fédéral, le projet « Flex to Launch » vise à inculquer des compétences de base à de jeunes hommes noirs âgés de 18 à 28 ans afin de faciliter, entre autres, leur intégration au marché du travail.
Le Dr Rob Whitley, professeur au département de psychiatrie de l’Université McGill et chercheur en santé mentale, espère que son programme fera office de « pont » vers la réussite et incitera les participants à « accomplir certains de leurs objectifs de vie ».

Published on: 4 Nov 2022


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