Edited by Agence Science-Presse
Published on July 17, 2013 | D'Autray l'action

Written by Corinne Ton That
Published on July 17, 2013 | the Montreal Gazette
"The santropol roulant collective creates a new colony in one of its hives as part of a downtown beekeeping project. Simon Chauvette and Bree Akesson make their way to the rooftop of McGill University's engineering building with a tiny queen in hand.

Published on July 8, 2013 | le Devoir (La Presse canadienne)
"L’inuktitut a longtemps été considéré comme l’une des langues autochtones canadiennes qui se portent le mieux, mais un récent rapport laisse penser que son avenir n’est pas si radieux au Québec.

Published on July 8, 2013 | le Devoir (La Presse canadienne)
"L’inuktitut a longtemps été considéré comme l’une des langues autochtones canadiennes qui se portent le mieux, mais un récent rapport laisse penser que son avenir n’est pas si radieux au Québec.
Written by Emma Eley
Published on June 27, 2013 | Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry World
"An international team of chemists (from McGill and the RIKEN Institute, Japan) has reported a clean and green way to perform one of the most important industrial reactions for pharmaceutical and petrochemical synthesis. Platinum group metals are currently the catalysts of choice for hydrogenations due to their high activity.

Published on June 29, 2013 | le Journal de Montreal
"Après avoir passé 20 ans au cœur de la forêt tropicale, une biologiste de l’Université McGill mondialement connue pour ses travaux sur la déforestation et la qualité de l’air revient au Québec pour sortir la science des laboratoires.
Published on June 11, 2013 | the West Island Gazette
"Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue has agreed to pick up organic waste — and the subsequent tab — at John Abbott College and McGill University’s Macdonald campus.

Published on May 30, 2013 | the Montreal Gazette
Written by Andy Riga
" In recent months, the engineering profession in Quebec has been disparaged. It is vital that the hard-won title of “engineer” regain its honour — because beyond the controversies, the fact remains that excellence in engineering is one of Montreal’s greatest strengths." Full Story

Published May 25, 2013, in the Domain
Written by Jacinta Le Plastrier
"One of the world's most influential and innovating architects outlines his blueprint for modern living.