BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20240926T144219EDT-7472wItWgp@ DTSTAMP:20240926T184219Z DESCRIPTION:The Centre for Intellectual Property Policy welcomes Dr Elena C ooper\, Orton Fellow in Intellectual Property Law at Trinity Hall\, Cambri dge and a Member of Cambridge University's Centre for Intellectual Propert y and Information Law.\nPlease contact Mr. Francis Lord (francis.lord [at] to confirm your participation.\nAbstract\nIt is commonly assumed that legal protection for aspects of personality has emerged in th e UK only in recent times\, in contrast to the experience in other jurisdi ctions (e.g. USA\, France and Germany) where protection developed in the l ate nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This presentation seeks to r eaddress this narrative\, by uncovering the early history of UK photograph ic copyright following the passage of the Fine Arts Copyright Act 1862 (th e first UK copyright statute expressly to protect photographs). Drawing on original archival research\, the paper identifies the ways in which photo graphic copyright operated as a nineteenth century law protecting the comm ercial value of celebrity likeness\, shaped by interests which in other ju risdictions during the twentieth century\, would be protected by separate regimes of publicity rights. The presentation closes with conclusions abou t what this means for both the way we think about copyright history and th e legal protection of personality in the UK today.\nAbout the speaker\nEle na Cooper is Orton Fellow in Intellectual Property Law at Trinity Hall\, C ambridge and a Member of Cambridge University's Centre for Intellectual Pr operty and Information Law. She is also currently a researcher at the Facu lty of Law on the 'Of Authorship and Originality' project funded by Humani ties in the European Research Area. After graduating in 1999 with a law de gree from the London School of Economics and master's degree in Intellectu al Property Law from King's College London\, Elena worked for a City of Lo ndon law firm for close to five years\, specialising in Intellectual Prope rty litigation. Following this\, in 2006\, she moved to the University of Cambridge\, where she completed a PhD on the relationship between art and law in the history of photographic copyright 1850-1911\, under the supervi sion of Professor Lionel Bently. Her PhD thesis was awarded the University 's prestigious Yorke Prize (for dissertations of exceptional quality which make a substantial contribution to legal knowledge). She has been a Fello w at Trinity Hall since 2009.\nA CIPP & Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Priv ate and Comparative Law Seminar in collaboration with Lallemand Inc. \nA r equest for accreditation has been made to the Barreau du Québec for 1.5 ho urs of Continuing Legal Education. DTSTART:20130125T173000Z DTEND:20130125T190000Z LOCATION:NCDH 202\, Chancellor Day Hall\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 1W9\, 36 44 rue Peel SUMMARY:Copyright as a Publicity Right? Stories from the UK in the Nineteen th Century URL: uk-nineteenth-century-219672 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR