Trial: DynaMed
The Library has trial of DynaMed, an evidence-based, point-of-care reference tool, until March 31.
DynaMed features
- Systematic and continuous selection of the best evidence available; updated daily.
- Easy, intuitive access while on campus.
- Remote access from your office or home.
- Monitors over 500 of the top, authoritative medical journals and evidence-based sources.
- Each article is evaluated for clinical relevance and scientific validity.
- New evidence is integrated into existing content, and overall conclusions are changed as appropriate.
- Reference lists are linked directly into PubMed and occasionally to full-text.
- PDA compatible.
Compare Dynamed to any other evidence based tool you are using. Does it fulfill your information needs? Whether it does or does not, please tell us about it. It is important for us to know.
Please send any feedback to Valérie Fortin, Coordinator, Collection Development.