E.g., 01/21/2025
E.g., 01/21/2025
Title Source Sitesort descending Published
C. Douglas Mellor Prize for academic excellence awarded to two GCPA students
Aug 5, 2024 11:40
Journalists and social media users exert influence over product recall decisions
Aug 27, 2024 18:20
Incomes are up in Quebec, and McGill’s Personal Finance Essentials course can help people learn more about managing their money
Apr 3, 2024 14:02
AI a potential threat to democracy, but lessons from traditional media could help
May 9, 2024 12:53
Luxury Royalmount Mall opens amid excitement and concerns
Sep 6, 2024 14:11
Sebastien Betermier and David Schumacher winners of the Best Paper Using EUROFIDAI Daily Data Award
Jan 22, 2024 15:17
Remote work brought unfair performance metrics – and employees are gaming them
Oct 15, 2024 16:02
Prospect of new U.S. tariffs creates uncertainty for QC businesses
Nov 15, 2024 16:13
Faculty Achievements: Patrick Augustin Associate Professor in Finance appointed Associate Editor Management Science
Jul 10, 2024 15:13
Innovative citation metrics seek to address shortcomings of traditional measures
Nov 29, 2024 13:14
Indigenous business matters: truth, reconciliation, and sovereign wealth
Nov 21, 2024 15:43
McGill Desautels professors and lecturers recognized at Faculty Awards
May 24, 2024 12:20
Chinese strategic consultancy looks to work of Prof. Henry Mintzberg to understand domestic context
Sep 5, 2024 12:01
E-commerce vehicle acquisitions face hurdles due to existing laws
Feb 6, 2024 14:39
Any changes to pension fund policies should carefully consider risks and rewards of domestic investments
Mar 22, 2024 12:39
Anna Kim earns 2024 Award for Responsible Research in Management
Jul 8, 2024 16:09
In less hierarchical workplaces, mentoring is a two-way street
Jan 25, 2024 15:41
MBA students should try and avoid FOMO, recent graduate advises
Feb 20, 2024 14:19
Air Canada and WestJet both increase checked bag fees
Mar 8, 2024 11:09
Status Downgrade: The Impact of Losing Status on a User-generated Content Platform
Apr 29, 2024 08:58
Employers judge job candidates – but it isn’t a one-way street
Nov 6, 2024 12:28
McGill to award honorary degree to Monique Leroux for trailblazing ethical leadership and community engagement
May 22, 2024 11:25
Dual Branding by National Brand Manufacturers: Drivers and Outcomes
Mar 19, 2024 11:13
Incentivizing Healthy Food Choices Using Add-On Bundling: A Field Experiment
Oct 30, 2024 08:46
Dean Yolande Chan Leads Global Higher Ed Transformation at 2024 EFMD Conference in Amsterdam
Feb 27, 2024 11:04
Domestic investment: Should Canadian pension funds focus on local companies?
Jul 11, 2024 15:09
AI can create ‘ghostbots’ that mimic lost loved ones—but should it?
Jun 4, 2024 10:55
Emotional intelligence is key to leadership
Jan 14, 2025 15:34
Even in challenging times for department stores, Quebec-based Simons is expanding
Jul 9, 2024 14:35
When managing your portfolio, timing is critical
Nov 29, 2024 11:02
Sustainable investing doesn’t only mean companies that are already green—large investors can push polluters to become greener
Jun 13, 2024 14:24
Wind-powered shipping could make a comeback—but it won’t work for everything
Oct 28, 2024 14:22
A combination of introverted and extroverted traits helps leaders strike the right balance
Apr 30, 2024 13:48
Meet MBA Camila Sabogal one of Poets and Quants' 2024 Best & Brightest
May 9, 2024 12:44
IMHL grad Colleen Timm named to leadership position at McGill University Health Centre
Dec 11, 2024 14:00
Generous gift from Lester J. Fernandes will endow research Chair in Business Ethics
Apr 29, 2024 15:04
‘Elite’ Yelp reviewers hold outsized influence, even after their formal status is lost
Nov 6, 2024 13:56
Companies seeking savings in employee wages might spend more in the long run
Aug 7, 2024 16:14
Making strategic assets available to pension funds would encourage more domestic investment
Dec 18, 2024 13:53
Montreal retailer Frank and Oak files for creditor protection for second time
Jan 17, 2025 12:20


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