Loto-Québec taking bets on U.S. presidential race
"Loto-Québec is now taking bets on the U.S. presidential race." (Source: CBC)
Dr. Jeffrey Derevensky, Professor and Chair, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University
“Loto-Québec’s online gambling is not generating the expected revenue. As a result, they are expanding their offerings. This is likely the first of many different wagering opportunities. This type of wagering has been common on some European and Caribbean gambling websites.”
- Dr. Derevensky
Dr. Derevensky’s research has focused on child and adolescent high-risk behaviors. He is actively involved in a variety of research, treatment, and prevention products. He has worked internationally and provided expert testimony before legislative bodies in several countries and his work has resulted in important social policy and governmental changes.
jeffrey [dot] derevensky [at] mcgill [dot] ca. Office phone number: (514) 398-4249 and please leave a message. Before 2:00 PM.