Volume 48 of the Annals of Air and Space Law published
/iasl |
Vitaliy Kurlin (University of Liverpool)
/mathstat |
Visibility is the theme of this year's McGill Queer History Month
/indigenous |
Viol et génocide, une arme qui transcende les générations
/socialwork |
Vincent Rigby on Strained Canada-India Diplomatic Relationship | The Globe and Mail
/maxbellschool |
Vincent Rigby on Trudeau's Dramatic Resignation | The Centre for Strategic & International Studies
/maxbellschool |
Video: AI in milk production
/macdonald |
Video | How genomic medicine is transforming healthcare
/dna-to-rna |
Victoria Talwar, ECP, Publishes Paper in Developmental Psychology on Children's Honesty Promotion Techniques
/education |
Victoria Talwar Interviewed for Adult/Children Screen Time on CTV News
/education |
Victoria Anson wins the Lucy Rosato Undergraduate Scholarship in Science and Engineering
/materials |
Victoria Anson wins The Lord Bagri Scholarship issued by The Copper Club
/materials |
Veterans honoured in annual Remembrance Day ceremony
/macdonald |
Vendor Callout- Indigenous Awareness Weeks 2024 x McGill Farmer's Market
/indigenous |
Valedictorian Taylinn Chang, KPE, Interviewed in the McGill Reporter
/education |
Vadasz scholar leads the way
/bioengineering |
Vadasz scholar leads the way
/engineering |
Using sunlight to turn two greenhouse gases into valuable chemicals
/newsroom |
Using pulp and paper waste to scrub carbon from emissions
/newsroom |
Users may be intermittently unable to download attachments or view embedded images in Outlook on the web
/it |
US expansion plans head south for Quebec’s Autobus Lion
/desautels |
Updates: PCard Regulation & Procedures for Travel and Other Expenses / Modifications: Règlement sur la carte d’achat (PCard) et les Procédures relatives aux frais de déplacement et autres dépenses
/financialservices |
Updates: Payment Request Policy & Procedures for Travel / Modifications: Politique de demandes de paiement & Procédures relatives aux frais de déplacement
/financialservices |
Updates to our Accommodations list
/infoneuro |
Updates to MyCreds™: Enhanced eTranscript and document Sharing for students!
/it |
Updates - US Federal Grants Requirements / Mise à jour - Directives sur les Subvention fédérales - États-Unis
/financialservices |
Updated: Winners | Schulich at the Junos: here are our nominees!
/music |
Update: Procedures for Travel and Other Expenses / Modification: Procédures relatives aux frais de déplacement et autres dépenses
/financialservices |
Update: PCard Regulation / Modification: Règlement sur la carte d’achat (PCard)
/financialservices |
Update | Canadian Union of Postal Workers strike ends; requests & deliveries resume gradually
/library |
Update successful: Banner INB and Minerva are now up and running!
/it |
Update on AGSEM (Teaching Assistant) Negotiations
/hr |
Update from Faculty Leadership
/macdonald |
Up to the (dairy) challenge
/macdonald |
Unlocking AI in Education: GenAI Quickstart Micromodules for Faculty Now Available
/library |
Unleashing Creativity at the McGill Physics Hackathon
/science |
Universal genetic testing of breast cancer patients could help many
/newsroom |
Understanding when and why people give bribes
/newsroom |
Undergraduate research takes center stage at Poster Showcase
/science |
Undergraduate alum named Deputy Chancellor of McGill University
/desautels |