Dr. Simon Ducharme, Neurology® Podcast
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Dr. Cécile Rousseau, CBC
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Dre Karine Igartua, La Presse
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Dre Karine Igartua et Dr Richard Montoro , Le Devoir
/psychiatry |
Dr. Salah El Mestikawy, La Presse
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Dr Nicolas Cermakian, Le Devoir
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Dr. Michael Meaney named a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
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Psychiatry Awards Night 2024
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Dr. Salah El Mestikawy, Health e-News
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Dr. Srividya Iyer, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
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Dr. Myrna Lashley receives an Honorary Degree
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Dr. Simon Ducharme, CBC News, Paris Match
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Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, The Montrealer
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Appointment of Psychiatrist-in-Chief, MCH
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Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, CTV News
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Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
/psychiatry |
Congratulations to the FRQS Career Award Recipients!
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Dr. Sylvain Williams, La Presse
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First woman in 70 years President of the CINP!
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Dre Cécile Rousseau, Radio-Canada
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Dre Linda Booij, La Presse
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Dr. Gustavo Turecki, Ludmer Centre
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2023 Clinical Innovation Pilot Fund
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Dre Michaela Barbarosie, La Presse+
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Dr. Brett Thombs receives the CPA-CAPE Alex Leighton Award 2024
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Dr. Eric Latimer, CBC
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Dr. Eric Latimer, The Globe and Mail
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Dr. Corina Nagy, Ludmer Centre
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Dre Srividya Iyer, Radio-Canada
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Dr. Gabrielle Gobbi, Health e-News
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Appointment of New Director of Undergraduate Medical Education
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Dr. Michael Meaney, McGill Reporter
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Appointment of Director, Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
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Dr. Rob Whitley, Townhall
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Dr. Brett Thombs, The Washington Post
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Dre Marie-Claudey Geoffroy, Radio-Canada
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Dr. Patrícia Silveira elected to the Society for Pediatric Research membership
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Dr. Rob Whitley, The Suburban
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Dr. Srividya Iyer, Radio-Canada
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Leyton Addiction Research Prize
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