Billet de blogue | CIRM’s Audray Fontaine and Nik Luka on the Project’s Transformative Potential

Written by the DSH team*
Une version française de ce billet sera bientôt disponible.
The Data for Society Hub (DSH) team spoke with The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montréal (CIRM)’s knowledge mobilization coordinator, Audray Fontaine, and associate director Nik Luka about the collaboration between CIRM and the DSH.
In a nutshell, what is CIRM’s mission?
Audray Fontaine [AF]: Our mission is to promote research on Montréal. It’s an endeavour that allows all disciplines and universities to come together — the Centre is, of course, at McGill, but our members and researchers come from different institutions in Montréal and from the rest of Canada, the United States, and Europe. All these people work together to find solutions to the urban challenges that Montréal is currently facing, and we try to do that in partnership with local community organizations, companies, and with the city itself. The goal is to foster partnerships between researchers and people in the community to make sure that the research being done has tangible benefits for the citizens of Montréal, as well as for other cities.