The Risks and Promises of Pharmacogenetics and Personalized Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion
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The panel will bring together four panelists as well as a moderator working in different academic areas and within different professional settings who will speak to various issues associated with pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine.
Specifically, we are interested in initiating a conversation about the science behind this innovation, its promises, and about cross-cutting issues (e.g., legal, social, ethical, and economic) emerging from this technique's application in healthcare oriented towards personalized medicine.
Panelists will each tackle a case study that outlines a series of facts which discuss a fictitious drug used in the context of personalized medicine (this case study will be distributed to all those in attendance at the panel). This case study will raise diverse issues intended to highlight interdisciplinary challenges and call upon multifaceted expertise.
Jennifer Fishman, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Ethics Unit and Department of Social Studies of Medicine, McGill University
Yann Joly, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Agnes V. Klein, Director, Health Products & Food Branch, Health Canada
Michael Phillips, Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair in Translational Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacogenomics Centre, Université de Montréal
Richard Gold, James McGill Professor, Faculty of Law, McGill University
Lunch will be served. [at]