The World Outdoors: Researchers flock to drones
Drone technology has been applied in support of bird science for more than a decade now. With the cost of this technology continuing to drop, the use of it is broadening across North America.
In the same way that retail, military, and hobby sectors have embraced drones, bird scientists have realized drones can be deployed to do some bird census work and gather data in remote or otherwise inaccessible locations.
Dr. David Bird, a McGill University professor emeritus of wildlife biology, bird book author, and the founding editor of the Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, is a real champion of this technology. “Small unmanned vehicle systems, formerly exclusive to militaries, are rapidly advancing in sophistication and availability to civilians.” he said. “One area that shows great potential for the applications of UVS and associated markets is wildlife research and management.”
Read more in the London Free Press