Experts: Radar evidence of liquid water on Mars
"A Mars orbiter has detected a wide lake of liquid water hidden below the planet’s southern ice sheets. There have been much-debated hints of tiny, ephemeral amounts of water on Mars before. But if confirmed, this lake marks the first discovery of a long-lasting cache of the liquid." (Science News)
Lyle Whyte, Professor, Department of Natural Resource Science, McGill University
Professor Whyte is available to comment on the most detection of water on Mars and the potential impacts of those findings to the search of life on Mars.
He is presently a member of the European Space Agency ExoMars 2020 Landing Site Selection Working Group and of the new McGill Space Institute. He is an Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Microbiology, a Review Editor for Frontiers in Microbiology and an Editorial Board Member for the International J. Astrobiology. His research program examines microbial biodiversity, activity, and ecology in polar ecosystems, especially permafrost and unique cold saline springs, in the emerging field of cryomicrobiology, the exploration of the low-temperature limits of microbial life.
Recent release: New technique for finding life on Mars (Jan. 19, 2018)
lyle.whyte [at] (EnglisH)
Isabelle Raymond Bouchard, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Natural Resource Science, McGill University
She works with Professor Whyte on microbial activity in cold environments.
isabelle.raymond-bouchard [at] (English, French)